McShep Match Team Romance 2007 Interview with chase acow

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Team Romance McShep Match Interview with chase acow
Interviewee: chase acow
Date(s): 2007
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here, Archived version
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chase acow was interviewed in 2007 for McShep Romance.

It is part of this project: Team Angst and Romance McShep Match Interview Series.


Most of all, I enjoy the people in [SGA] fandom and the craziness that they insure. Meeting people at the LA premiere of A Dog’s Breakfast was an awesome experience. There are so many communities, thing-a-thons, and journals around that everyone can find their niche. SGA is just so friendly and … made with love and crack.

I chose Team Romance because John and Rodney are at their most adorable when they’re at their most dorky. Nothing between these guys is smooth, let alone a romantic relationship. The possibility for wackiness is sky high. Is there anything like coming home to find a bit of McShep romance on the computer?