Mad Dogs and Earthmen

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Title: Mad Dogs and Earthmen
Author(s): Connie Faddis
Date(s): 1977
Genre(s): gen
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Mad Dogs and Earthmen is a Star Trek: TOS story by Connie Faddis.

It was published in the print zine Alpha Continuum #2.


McCoy has an encounter with a Phoenix on a planet that has no animal life.

Reactions and Reviews

Illo interp: McCoy playing some kind of game with a vulture-y being. Dialogue between McCoy and a phoenix, who alternately threatens and teases him, offering him dragon fewmets for a snack. Seems to be a delirium from being lost in a desert. Cute enough.[1]


  1. ^ "Karen Halliday's Zinedex". Archived from the original on 2016-10-02.