MCU Wintershock Artist Spotlight on silvermorningglory

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Interviews by Fans
Title: MCU Wintershock Artist Spotlight on silvermorningglory
Interviewer: MCU Wintershock
Interviewee: silvermorningglory
Date(s): July 2, 2015
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
External Links: MCU Wintershock Artist Spotlight on silvermorningglory, Archived version
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Part of a Series

See MCU Wintershock Spotlights.


What about the Wintershock pairing appeals to you?

When I started shipping these two, there wasn’t a lot of information about either of them, and the potential of that was too hard to resist. Even after another set of movies with each of them, there’s still so little confirmed canon about these characters in the MCU that there are endless possibilities for how they can be pushed together. It’s exciting to see all the different ways everyone has come up with to explore that.

When did you first start making fandom art?

That’s something I’ve been doing most of my life in one way or another. I used to draw comics for my friends based on stuff we’d watch or read (Sailor Moon and the early 90’s X-Men cartoons stand out as ones I remember putting a lot of effort into), and I worked fandom stuff into many a school art project over the years (because yes, I am that much of a geek). I’ve lurked in a bunch of fandoms, but didn’t really start sharing anything until 2002 when I started making stuff for people on the Harry Potter message boards. I’ve been dabbling in MCU related art for just over 2 years now

What medium/program do you use to create your art (i.e. oil on canvas, ink on paper, Adobe Photoshop, etc.)?

I play around with different mediums, but for the last decade or so Photoshop has been my first choice more often than not. I like the variety of styles it lets me work with, and it’s nice to have the ability to switch between working on a graphic to doing a drawing or painting (or even animating if I’m feeling really ambitious) without having to haul out a different set of supplies.