M.H.E. Priest

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Name: M.H.E. Priest
Alias(es): Maria
Type: fan writer
Fandoms: Starsky and Hutch, Stargate SG1, MUNCLE
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M.H.E. Priest was a fan fiction writer who attended Sharecon and wrote and published Starsky and Hutch fanfiction. She wrote almost 50 stories in gen and slash which can be found on the Starsky and Hutch Archive.

While Starsky and Hutch was her primary fandom, she also wrote fic in Stargate 1 and Man from UNCLE. You can find those stories on Fanfiction.net/

In 2005, she was interviewed by the Bay City Library.

She passed away in November 2023. [1]

  1. ^ Flamingo's announcement to the Sharecon mailing list, v-SHConInfo. dated November 24, 2023.