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Lunar Eclipse in G Minor

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Title: Lunar Eclipse in G Minor
Author(s): Wax Jism
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Kowalski
External Links: online at AO3

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Lunar Eclipse in G Minor is a Fraser/RayK Bayliss/Kowalski story by Wax Jism.

Reactions and Reviews

Okay, here we go: This guy walks into a bar... Ray Kowalski walked into a bar. It was just a bar, pretty nondescript - From the top: This guy walks into a gay bar ... Once more, with feeling. Ray Kowalski walks into a gay bar for the first time in many moons, with the intent of getting laid. Why was I driven, cackling gleefuly, to rec this particular fic among the piles of really pretty good DS fic I've been wallowng in? One word: voice. This is a really fine example of something all too rare among writers - real storytelling. Not *narrative* - this is not a slam to those prefer a more distant style - but story*tell*ing. [1]
