Lucy Tara/Kate Whistler

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Pairing: Lucy Tara/Kate Whistler
Alternative name(s): Kacy
Gender category: F/F, Femslash
Fandom: NCIS: Hawaiʻi
Canonical?: Yes
Prevalence: Popular
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Lucy Tara/Kate Whistler is a popular canon femslash pairing in the NCIS: Hawaiʻi fandom.


Lucy and Kate have been involved romantically, in one way or another, since season one of NCIS: Hawaiʻi, starting out their relationship in secret. There were bumps in the relationship during season one, particularly triggered by the arrival of Kate's girlfriend (who Kate thought was an ex-girlfriend). They reconciled in later episodes and have remained together since, though not without difficulties.

Fans have expressed appreciated that many of the difficulties that Lucy and Kate face are not rooted in the stereotypical story-lines which have often portrayed in LGBTQ+ relationships[1]. For example, Lucy has to move away for a number of months due to work and the dangers of their job also play a role.


NCIS: Hawaiʻi is the first of the NCIS universe fandoms which has been primarily sapphic in focus; in previous NCIS shows (the original, Los Angeles, and New Orleans), F/F has been uncommon to rare. Lucy/Kate are popular characters on a range of social media and discussion boards, and on Archive of Our Own the pairing were tagged in 1,243 of the1,392 works in December 2023.

Fan Commentary

Lucy Tara and Kate Whistler (played by Yasmine Al-Bustami and Tori Anderson) have been entangled romantically in one undefinable way or another since the show’s beginning, but their relationship has been well-developed and their challenges are just like any other pairing. NCIS: Hawai'i has highlighted that queer couples have all the same issues as straight couples. The series has not stumbled over a coming-out storyline or thrown in moments with the undertone of internalised homophobia. Kacy is so refreshing and compelling because they have been treated with the same care and complexity as a heterosexual couple. They're an example of how queer narratives in entertainment can evolve past tropes and shortcomings.


NCIS Hawaii be like:

2x01: Kacy content!!!

2x02: Kacy content!!!

2x03: Kacy content!!!

2x04: Okay guys, we really need to focus on someone other than Kacy

2x05: That was enough of a break, KACY CONTENT!!!!


Tori Anderson and Yasmine Al-Bustami have more chemistry than any actors I've seen in a very very long time. We know it. They know it. The showrunners know it. And to think they auditioned via zoom 😊 Kacy was meant to be.


Common Tropes and Fanon


Somewhat predictably, there has been backlash from some fans of the NCIS universe for having a sapphic couple in the main cast in addition to general bigoted complaints about the diverse casting in the show. This has led to some instances of review bombing and complaints on platforms about it being "too woke" or implying that the presence of a sapphic couple is too sexualised[5].

Example Fanworks





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Other Fannish Resources

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