Lovers Destined

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Title: Lovers Destined
Author(s): Heather M. Broussard (a.k.a lovethecullens921)
Date(s): 2000
Genre(s): Romance
Fandom(s): Black Dagger Brotherhood
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Lovers Destined is a Black Dagger Brotherhood fanfiction by H.M. Broussard pairing the characters Qhuinn and Blay.

Due to legal action taken by J.R. Ward (author of Black Dagger Brotherhood series), Lovers Destined has been removed from most fanfiction sites.


WOW...I tore through this story like a thirsty girl in a desert! I couldn't take JR Ward teasing us with this storyline any longer without and end in sight. I needed a HEA for these two boys!!!

I was a bit leery when I landed on this fanfic because I thought there is no way anyone could come close to the Warden's writing. I was SOOOO wrong! I had to remind myself at times that I was not in fact reading one of her stories.

Thank you so much to the author for taking on such a huge undertaking as living up to these characters that have become such a major part of the BDB book series! I'm sure you made a lot of fans happy out there.

I only hope that when the Warden actually writes their HEA, I love it as much as I did Lovers Destined!

One teensy tiny little a huge fan of M-M romance...a little lube never hurt anyone:)[1]


  1. ^ Boyboygirllove (November 3, 2011). "Boyboygirllove's review of Lovers Destined". Retrieved October 1, 2019.