Lost Night

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Title: Lost Night
Author(s): Susan Sicafoosh
Date(s): 1997
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Lost Night is a Kirk/Spock story by Susan Sicafoosh.

It was published in the print zine Scattered Stars #10.


"1st Officer Kirk is raped, but finds the courage to confess his love to Spock, his captain, after awakening from surgery."

Reactions and Reviews


Energetic beginning with a mental cry from First Officer Kirk to Ambassador Spock, the captain of an inter-species ship called the Fronoth. Scott and Sulu are there and they try to beam Kirk back from a kidnapping.

A female alien (complete with tail) is an excellent invention, very well shown and integrated into the story as she helps Spock find Kirk.

A spontaneous link has developed between Kirk and Spock. They rescue him and McCoy finds Kirk has been raped and physically tortured. In sickbay, Spock stays with Kirk as he's healed and thinks beautiful and romantic thoughts.

When Kirk wakes up, he tells Spock he's scared that things will be changed between them because of the rape. But the fears are unfounded, of course.

A lovely story, but it really could have been more developed. This almost has the feel of a story outline. Just as an example was the introduction of the alien crew- woman. Such a character needed to be used more fully instead of described and then shown so briefly.

The story was actually filled with information about many things, but everything was only given a line or two. This is what made it seem so underdeveloped. And it's a shame because there are lots of good and imaginative ideas. [1]


A short AU story in which Spock is Captain and Vulcan Ambassador, Kirk is his First Officer of just three months, and already they share a link. This is a ‘first time’/rape of Kirk for reasons unknown/ type of story, and introduces two other species for little gain that I can see. It would stand well as a chapter in a longer story, with a point to be gained by torturing Kirk, and I spent several seconds trying to understand what was meant by the description of Jim’s poor mangled dick that had been twisted ‘severally’. Sorry I am a literal reader, and that stopped me dead. Try substituting the ‘a’ by an ‘e’ and you get ‘severely’ which makes much more sense. [2]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #17 (1998)
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #103