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Name: Loominosity
Members: Various (including Johan Moon as narrator)
Date(s): 2020 - present
Focus: Loonaverse lore analysis
Fandoms: LOONA
External Links: YouTube, Twitter
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Loominosity is an international team of Orbits dedicated to analyzing and explaining the Loonaverse, LOONA's narrative universe. They create video essays summarising fan theories, canon information and more.


A teaser for Episode 4.1 and 4.2

LOONAverse Basics

Loominosity's primary project is the "LOONAverse Basics" video series, which aims to explain the fundamentals of LOONA's lore. It is designed both for newcomers curious about the story and as a reference for experienced theorists.

As of 2024, the series consists of 4 episodes:

Episode 4.2 was initially scheduled to release in December 2023. The script has been written, but the video is still in production. It has been delayed due to personal reasons.[1]


Known members include johanmoon as the main narrator.

LitellJohnn from Team Subbits aided the team in checking and re-translating snippets of information.[2]


  1. ^ Tweet by TeamLoominosity
  2. ^ Episode 4 around 0:26