Looking for America

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Title: Looking for America
Author(s): Alicia K.
External Links: Looking for America

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Looking for America is a non-explict Mulder/Scully story by Alicia K.

It won a 1999 Spooky Award for Mulder/Other Romance.


Rating: PG-13 for some language, violence, non-graphic sex, and disturbing themes. Keywords: Post-colonization, major character dead at the beginning of the story. Yikes!

Summary: In a post-colonization world, a lonely woman named Kate befriends a lonely FBI agent with a dark heart. I wonder who that is?

Author's Notes: I never thought I'd be writing a story with only half of the Mulder/Scully dynamic. I never thought I'd be totally obsessed with a TV show, either. Funny how those things work out.

Special Thanks: To Ophelia, Joanna, Caz, Lisa, and Jamie for their wonderful, much-appreciated beta skills and encouragement. And to Paul Simon, whose acoustic live version of "America" inspired this story.

Reactions and Reviews

Alicia K's "Looking for America" - the imagery of that necklace falling out of Mulder's hand and into the chasm that was once California is absolutely breathtaking. [1]
