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Pairing: Lloyd Irving/Colette Brunel
Alternative name(s): Colloyd, RoiCore
Gender category: M/F
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Canonical?: One-sided by default, canon in Colette's ending route
Prevalence: Popular
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Lloyd/Colette is a ship from Tales of Symphonia. Tales of Symphonia features an affection system in which Lloyd, the main character, can get different endings depending on whom he spends the most positive time with, and Colette's route is the easiest one to get by playing the game "normally". Because of this, the ship is often treated by fans as the true canon ending.

Common Themes in Fanworks

Angels and Wings: In the beginning of the game, Colette is given wings and begins transforming into an angel as part of her job as Sylvarant's Chosen. As such, angel wings are one of the most common themes in Colloyd fanworks.

Coffee: In a somewhat infamous scene in the original ToS game, Lloyd tricks Colette into revealing that she's losing her physical senses as her angel powers grow, by double-bluffing her about the temperature of a cup of coffee. Because of this, the characters are sometimes drawn with coffee.



  • [no title] by nitorisasami: an example of coffee-themed Colloyd


