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O Captain, my Captain...

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: O Captain, my Captain...
Author: Liz Griffin
Dates: 02 February 1999 or before - last update 2001
Fandom: Star Trek Voyager
URL: http://www.angelfire.com/in/captainjaneway/
O Captain, my Captain.png
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O Captain, my Captain... was a personal fanfiction site. It was a member of The Star Trek Slash Ring and the Trek Ladies Ring. The site was linked as Liz's Fanfic Page at VSPS.[1]

The stories posted here will contain descriptions of loving and consensual acts between adults. In my universe, Kathryn has had lovers of both sexes. These relationships will be portrayed in detail. If any of this bothers you, or especially if you are under the legal age of adulthood in your particular jurisdiction, please do us all a favor and move on.


The Secret Life of Kathryn Janeway

Or at least, the part Paramount didn't tell us. This will eventually cover the Voyager timeline, plus alot of her life before we saw her onscreen. And maybe even after the show is off the air.

These stories won't be posted in chronological order, by the way - I plan to post them as they come to me. If I backtrack, then we'll just have to deal with that. I promise to keep them in order on the page, though, and put a flag in front of the new ones. Deal?

The Emergent Properties timeline

Emergent Properties - Set in the third season, between Remember and Sacred Ground. I unabashedly admit that the premise for this piece was snagged directly from Blue Champagne's story "The River." Thanks, hon. I owe you. The Enarans have given Voyager an overhaul and a new way of looking at things - but no one could have predicted this...

The Assumptions timeline

This story arc has nothing to do with the previous one. Just another way of seeing how this relationship would progress.

Assumptions - Where things get complicated, Seven gets crammed into a Jeffries tube, Torres gets jealous, and Janeway finally gets some for-godsakes-action. Set between the episodes Hunters and Prey

Respect - The morning after the night before. And oh my, what a night. But a sonic shower and medikit later, Kathryn still finds time to ask the age-old question...

The Dance - A diplomatic mission, a couple dress uniforms, a few dance lessons, and a day off duty... Life is good.

Discoveries - What if it got out? What if the crew knew? What if nobody gave a damn? Uhhh, honey, I think the wall needs soundproofing...

Love Letter - After a week or so of not seeing one another, Kathryn leaves her lover a romantic gift...

Giving - It's Kathryn's birthday. What do you give the captain who has everything? A challenge story from the days when I used to post on The Reverend's Page

The Episode Additions

These are episode additions, which may or may not fit into the timelines above. I'll put two links in for those that do - one here, and one in the timeline, for continuity.

Heaven and Hell - This is a companion piece to the episode Year of Hell - my idea of what happened when the cameras weren't rolling...

Recurring Image - This is a companion piece to the episode Latent Image - who was that woman - and why was the Captain at her birthday party? This has nothing to do with any other story line or relationship. It (hopefully) stands on its own.

The Tara Vincent Series Stories about a character of my own creation, Counselor Tara Vincent

Home Is Where the Heart Is - Sometimes, getting home isn't about distance at all. When you know your heart, you're always at home. Anywhere.

Links to Other Janeway Alt-Fanfic Sites

The Revrend's Site - Officially known as "B'Elanna and Kathryn", this is where I got my start posting fanfic. Jim is one of the few men in my life, and I'm glad to have his perverse little bee-hind around. IMHO, For Want of a Nail is a must-read. It's what got me started in J/T.

MaryD's Startrek Archive - Wow. A great site, which was once the only home of Gina Dartt, whom I love (see below). Mary only posts f/f fanfic, and she's a doll to boot. Some of my stories are at this site as well.

Captain's Quarters - Gina Dartt's fanfic page. I love Gina's work. I wanna write like her when I grow up. She's funny, she's bright, and her stories make me drool. Plus she can nitpick Trek with me of all people. Be sure to read her Counselor series.

The Champagne Glass - Home of the [in]famous Blue Champagne. This, folks, is the woman who convinced me to start writing and posting my alt-fanfic. We've talked. We've argued. We've collaborated. We've even seen Kate Mulgrew in person together and held one another up as our collective knees threatened to buckle. B.C. writes in almost every Trek genre, but mostly DS9. Her Voyager fiction, though, is more than worth the reading time. Go. Now. You won't be sorry.

Another site I'm quite fond of is Fashion Voyager, where the worlds of fashion and the Delta Quadrant collide. And of course you mustn't miss Delta Blues, Jim Wright's meticulous listing of every episode. If you miss one, this is the place to catch up.


  1. ^ VSPS Links. (Accessed 29 June 2020)