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List of X-Files Mailing Lists
NOTE: This is a list of X-Files mailing lists that are NOT YET on Fanlore. If the link is blue, then remove it from the page and make sure it has the category Category:X-Files Mailing Lists on it. If the link is red, consider making a page for that community.
For mailing lists with an X-Files focus that have a Fanlore page, see Category:X-Files Mailing Lists.
Yahoo! Groups
- Alex Krycek Central offline "This group is the 'son' of AlexK-H-C-OrD group and is for any pairing slash fan fiction with Alex Krycek as a central figure. Slash and het are acceptable in the same story. No pairing or genre bashing allowed. [Archive/other website: httpfhsarchive.com]"
- All-xf, an X-Files Yahoo! Groups mailing list that was created in early 2001, for written works of fiction based on the television series 'The X-Files' and its spinoff(s).
- Dippers Who Like Reyes (active between 2001-2002)
- Jen R (mailing list) archive link "This is an update list for JenR's site, InXplicable. Members will receive announcements whenever the site is updated. The site is mainly comprised of image manipulations and wallpapers, including slash X-Files manipulations (Krycek and Skinner, mainly), and X-Files and Queer as Folk (US) wallpapers. Go to my website (URL below) to see all the stuff I've done so far. This list used to allow everyone to post, but to avoid spam, I've changed the settings so it is now an update only list (10-30-02)"
- Krycek (mailing list) archive link "This is a list dedicated to the discussion of Nick Lea of X-Files fame. Your fantasies about him, Krycek fanfic, news about Nick. Anything goes!"
- Krycek Lovers archive link "For fans of Krycek and Nicholas Lea. Come share a story, a discussion, a love for Nick, in all his personae and especially Alex Krycek."
- Leaky Tap Drippers offline "Do you love The X-Files? Do you love Doggett and Reyes? Do you think they're just made for each other? Well, you've come to the right place! Join in the fun at the Leaky Tap: Dripper's Inn!"
- LGM slash archive link "A slash list for the Lone Gunmen of the X-Files. Any pairings are welcome here. Both m/m and f/f are accepted. You must be over 18. An age statement is now required and has to be sent..."
- mskslash archive link "Love Mulder/Skinner slash but hate having to wade through a multi-pairing mailing list? Then come here, to the all Mulder/Skinner list. This is a slash list, so only people that like slash need join."
- MSR D archive link "MSR-D is a mailing list for the purpose of discussing X-Files fanfiction featuring romance between Mulder and Scully and related topics. It is a general forum in conjunction with the MSR-Smut and MSR-Central mailing lists hosted on yahoogroups."
- MSR-Central archive link "MSR-Central is a mailing list for the purpose of posting X-Files fanfiction featuring romance between Mulder and Scully and warranting a rating of LESS than R. R rated fics or greater can be sent to the sister list, MSR-Smut. Feedback and discussion. Please CLEARLY label ALL fics with Categories, Keywords, involved pairings, and Ratings, so people can avoid reading what they don't like! You can post fic recs, ask for Beta help, or even just talk about The XFiles! We have improv fics, monthly fic challenges, and round robins, so Come join the fun!:) And have fun reading!;):)"You are encouraged to join the feedback/discussion list as well - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MSR-D."
- MSR-Smut archive link "MSR-Smut is a mailing list for the purpose of posting X-Files fanfiction featuring romance between Mulder and Scully and warranting an R to NC17 rating. You are encouraged to join the non-explicit list - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MSR-Central and the feedback/discussion list as well - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MSR-D All subscriptions to MSR-SMUT are subject to approval. After you have subscribed here, please send email to xochiluvr@surfacing.com within 30 days, and include the following information. NOTE: Your subscription request will not be processed until I have received this email. Please include: your real name, your email address, your state of residence (if U.S.), your country of residence (if not U.S.) and your date of birth. Please also include the following statement: "I wish to subscribe to MSR-SMUT. I understand that this list features stories which are rated NC-17 because of explicit sexual content. It is legal for me to receive such stories via email."
- MTA Slash archive link "This is a mailing list for MTA Slash Stories only. All stories submitted MUST be MT/MA and be approved by the listmaven. All stories entered for submission should have archiving info in the disclaimer . Multi-part stories should be no more than 30K in length. Submission guidelines can be found here: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/8261/submission.html"
- Next Files Fanfic archive link "A fanfic-only list for X-Files stories that take place after the series finale."
- Nick Zone Alex offline "A mailing list for the missing Krycek stories that the NickZone list doesn't permit."
- Nick Zone archive link "This is a list dedicated to stories about Nick's lesser-known, but just as compelling, characters. If you wish to join, please send an e-mail w/subject line 'Age Statement' to one of the listmoms, who are as follows: sashworth@shaw.ca or shadowfox120@hotmail.com You should receive an answer from either of us within 2 days. Also, since this *is* an adult list, a short statement promising you won't hunt us down and torture us for warping your brain wouldn't hurt, either. Cheers, Shadowfox"
- Nixxers archive link "Nixxers is a list for fanfic and discussion about characters Nick Lea has played, as well as discussion about Nick Lea himself. Any type of story, slash, het, or gen, that contains a character played by Nick is suitable for posting. Much of what actually gets posted tends to be slash, but all other stories are welcome. You must be over 18 to subscribe."
- Pendrell fic archive link "The distribution and discussion of X-Files Fanfiction containing the character of Agent Pendrell, LabMouse Extraordinaire."
- Round XF Slash archive link "X-Files slash round robin group -- This mail list is for writing collaborative homoerotic fan fiction stories and round robins featuring X-Files characters. The list also helps new and seasoned writers with grammar inquiries, X-Files questions, and story ideas. Non-writers are welcome to join the list and the discussions. NO ONE *UNDER* THE AGE OF 18 YEARS IS PERMITTED!"
- Scully Reyes archive link "This is a list for Agent Scully and Agent Monica Reyes. It's a slash fanfic list but friendship fics are also welcomed."
- Scully Slash (Populli) offline
- Scully Slash (Yahoogroups)archive link "Are you a ScullySlash fan? Do you write ScullySlash? Do you want to talk to other people about slash stories? Well, this list is dedicated to the lovers of ScullySlash."
- Scully Uncensored archive link "This list was created for individuals who write or read fan fiction, of adult nature, centered around Dana Scully (of the X-Files). And for the discussions of the fan fiction. This list is restricted to members 18 and older. Members will not be approved until they have submitted an age statement to: the_ice_queen777@hotmail.com, and the statement should be worded as such: "I, <insert your name>, have been made aware that stories and discussions containing "adult" (NC-17) content are distributed by this Scully Uncensored mailing list. I have read and understand this lists policy concerning the age restriction for Scully Unsensored membership. By this statement, I verify to the list administrators that I am 18 years of age or older." IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE AN AGE STATEMENT TO THIS ADDRESS, YOU WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE LIST. (Please include your desired subscriber name and your desired subscription e-mail address at the bottom of the message.) These statements will be confidential and will be accessed only by the list administration."
- Skinner & Doggett archive link "Skinner and Doggett, Doggett and Skinner - I just love the smell of testosterone in the morning. This is a list devoted solely to the pairing of the gorgeous Manly Men of the X-files. Loyal, honorable, strong, steadfast, and most importantly, together. If you love the idea of these two finally doing something about all those longing looks they've been casting at each other, then this is the place for you. All forms of Sk/D fic and related discussion welcome, from UST to schmoop to heavy kink, but no actor slash. Please, no Foxes, Rats or other characters muscling in on the main action unless part of a Sk/D threesome. And you must be 18 years or over to join. Don't make me come after you. :)"
- SkinnerKrycek archive link "This list is for X-Files slash fanfic about Skinner/Krycek. All ratings allowed."
- Slashing Mulder Announcements archive link "Welcome to the Slashing Mulder Announcement list. This list is primarily for announcing updates to the Slashing Mulder archive. You're welcome to post your own web site announcements or stories on this list. Any stories posted here will be archived at http://slashingmulder.com. This is not a discussion list. For Slashing Mulder discussions go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/slashmulder. This is a slash list, no one under the age of 18 is permitted. Thanks, Jo"
- Slashing with Mr. XXX archive link "The continuing saga of Alex and Fox unfolds in this ongoing interactive soap opera."
- SPAK archive link "Society for the Protect° of Alex Krycek. The official mailing list."
- Spender fic archive link "For the discussion and distribution of fanfic based on Special Agent Jeffrey Frank Spender and other characters portrayed by Chris Owens. Fiction, critiques comments and discussion welcome. For more information: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Spenderfic"
- Surly-One (mailing list) archive link "Surly-One is focussed on slash fiction and discussion involving the character of Walter Skinner."
- Toy Soldiers (mailing list) archive link "RPG-Time!!! Bring your character to life in our slashy X-Files universe... Character already taken: Walter S. Skinner, OC Lucas Bastin, Fox W. Mulder, Alex Krycek, Marita Covarrubias, OC Matthew Spender. Character still looking for adoption: Scully, Cancerman, the Gunmen, the Elders, Thugs, Assassins, Special Agents, Kersh, Doggett, Reyes, Pendrell ..."
- X To The 8th archive link "X To The Eighth is a friendly, adult (18 and over) list for discussion of the X-Files episodes up to and including the eighth season. This is your chance to get as in-depth, silly or raunchy as you want about your favorite X-Files episodes, without having to wade through posts about the ninth season. Veteran X-Philes and those just discovering the show are welcome. Flames, actor-bashing and discussion (positive or negative) of the ninth season are not permitted."
- XF Fanficaholics archive link "This list is for people who are addicted to X-Files fanfiction. Any and ALL fanfic is welcome, from Mulder/Scully to Doggett/Reyes to Krycek/Marita to slash to any other genre you want! From G to NC17, whatever you want to post, its welcome here!
- XF Mill Harsh Realm fic archive link "This mailing list is for posting fanfic for the following Chris Carter created shows: X-Files, Millennium and Harsh Realm. Feel free to ask for a beta reader. Fanfic challenges are ok to be posted. All genres are welcome."
- XFC feedback archive link "A forum for providing feedback on stories posted to XFC-ATXC and XFC-No_ATXC Positive feedback and constructive criticism are welcome. No flaming allowed. This group also servers as a place writers can discuss the craft with other writers or ask for input. It is not for posting stories (post them on xfc-atxc or xfc-no_atxc), but one may post a link to a story."
- XFC no-atxc archive link "This is the version of the X-Files Creative mailing list that does not go to the newsgroup. It is for the posting of creative works that the author does not want forwarded to alt.tv.x-files.creative It is also used by me for administrative announcements."
- X-Files NC-17 Fanfic archive link "For those who love The X-Files and can't get enough NC-17 fanfic into your mailbox. Anything goes as long as the rating is NC-17 and the fic is HOT...Mulder and Scully smut, slash...whatever. (I miss Krycek and would love to see him in a couple of your stories.) This group is limited to those over the age of 18. Limited off-topic posts and discussion are permitted unless the fanfic becomes too heavy. Be nice and give some feedback."
- X-TV archive link "Get daily e-mail TV Schedule for X-Files stars...Robert Patrick, Mitch Pileggi, Nic Lea, David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Annabeth Gish & More..."
- Alternate XFiles Universe archive link "There is a vast untapped arena for X-Files fic set in alternate universes. I'm rather addicted to the very thought of these stories and thought there might well be others with the same passion. The list follows the mandates of the TOS here on squidge. If you have any questions about what we do and do not allow, check out that, but basically, no child porn, no snuff...Anything else goes."
- Doggett Slash (Squidge)archive link "Agent John Doggett has taken Mulder's place on the X-Files. Guess that rates him a place on the fandom circuit so here goes. The name of the list says slash. We'll take any kind, from the smarmy Gs to the rough and nasty NC-17. BDSM and kinks are the norm for this fandom, so come show what Mr D can take. Feel like discussing Ds place on the show, how it effects the show to have Mulder gone? Feel free. this is a forum for show related chat as well."
- Krycek Mulder Skinner Angst X-Files archive link "Something about the X-Files brooding males screams angst in the worst way. So if you agree and have a story that has one or two or even all three of these lovelies suffering the slings and arrows, come share the pain."
- Krycek Slash archive link "Krycek Slash makes the world go 'round in such a nice way so slash him tender or hard....Beat him, whip him make him bleed....Hey he likes it. Of course you have to comfort his boo-boos when he hurts so...come play."
- Krycek XF fic archive link "Dressed in leather, Or not, Krycek is the adorable bad boy. His seductive nature is a turn on for both Skinner and Mulder, together or alone. This is a discussion AND fanfic list for x-files, with a strong slant toward the character, Krycek. We welcome the general friendship, hetero romance and slash fic. Smaram through BDSM and beyond."
- Lone Gunmen Slash archive link "The Lone Gunmen are branching off to their own show. Come discuss the show. Compare it to its parent show, The X-Files, explore the possibilities. This list accepts slash fiction be it G rated or NC-17, BDSM or smarm...and beyond."
- Mulder Slash (Squidge) archive link "Mulder+Slash= happy happy -- And since I can't get enough happy happy, here we go again. Caress him with your hands, shape him into the man he needs to be. Beat him, whip him make him bleed....Hey he likes it. Of course you have to comfort his boo-boos when he hurts so...come play."
- mulder-xf-fic archive link "Mulder has a shady sensual side. This list explores the ins and outs in fiction and discussion. General friendship, hetero romance and slash writers welcome. Rough play or gentle."
- Pendrell XF fic archive link "X-files has several primary characters to play with, but once in a while ya just have to share the Pendrell joy. Pass him around to Skinner...To Mulder.....To Spender...or even with Krycek or Scully.... We're eager to see the general friendship story as well as hetero romance or slash fiction, from the smarmy gooey to the rough and tumble BDSM and beyond. Previously viewed fics or new."
- Skinner Slash (Squidge) archive link "Skinner+Slash= happy happy -- And since I can't get enough happy happy, here we go again. Cuddle him, Snuggle him, beat him, whip him make him bleed....Or let him weld the punishing hand of love....Hey he likes it. Of course you have to comfort his boo-boos when he hurts and the boys he likes to play with play rough so...come play."
- Skinner XF fic archive link "Master Skinner or just plain surley Skinner, you gotta love him...And so do the people who work under him. Come share a general, hetero romance or slash story, discuss the character and just plain have fun (whips optional)."
- SlashingMulder (mailing list) archive link "Please note that slash fiction is mostly homoerotic (Gay!) fiction, you must be over 18 to join this mailing list. I have an obsession. His name is Fox Mulder. I love to see him slashed. I love to slash him. Those eyes, those lips... that bum. I want to read about Mulder having a romantic and sexual relationship with AD Walter S. Skinner and drool over the electric tension between Mulder and Alex Krycek. I'm sure now, you know what I mean by Slashing Mulder ;-) Do you feel the same? Then join the mailing list, where you can discuss anything and everything about Fox Mulder. This is a list for those who love Mulder Centric slash fan fiction and love to rave about it. Posting your stories is encouraged too. Stories posted to slashingmulder and sm-stories are archived at the Slashing Mulder Archive, which is maintained by Jo B."
- XF Fanfiction archive link "There is apparently a limiting feeling among some writers in several fandoms about what is and what isn't an acceptable scenario or situation to write the characters in. A glass ceiling, as it were. Since that, to me, isn't what writing is all about, especially in a fandom as unique as X-Files and since I am never more happy than when I'm reading or writing something that might press the *shock* button, I'm opening this field of play to anyone who feels they might want to write outside the inner circle. Come crash the glass ceiling with me."
- X-Files Angst archive link "Hurt/comfort X-files, Discipline in the XFiles, Angsty X-File Krycek or Mulder moments. Come discuss why we all feel this show is paramont in the land of Krycek or Mulder flavored angst. Discussion, pics and general, hetero or slash stories devoutly cherished here."
- Xslash Discussion (X/) archive link "Xslash Discussion On Xslash, any and all X-Files slash is on topic. Xslash is a discussion-only list. There are no stories posted on this list. Your messages will not be edited or declared off-topic, unless of course all hell breaks loose, so don't let it happen and we'll all be happy."
- Xslash Stories archive link "Xslash-stories consists only of XF slash stories. If you only want to receive new fiction, this is the list for you. There is no discussion on this list!"
- All Things Rat Updates offline "An all genre mailing list for All Things Rat, a Krycek-centric website for pics, sounds, artwork and fiction, all about the beloved (or behated) Ratboy."
- MSKipperVille (Topica) archive link "This is a temporary replacement list for the MSKipperVille list on yahoo. I don't wanna go without my MSKipperVille fix, do you??"
- Scully Slash Stories offline "Scully Slash Stories is for email delivery of stories from the Scully Slash email list, only stories may be posted to this list."
- Slipper -update archive link "Update announcements for The Slipper Archive, X-Files archive for slash relationship fiction rated PG-13 or lower."