Lisa Wilbourn

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Name: Lisa Wilbourn, Sarah Livsey, Tattletale
Occupation: Villain
Fandom: Worm (Parahuman Series)
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Lisa Wilbourn, also known by her cape name, Tattletale is a popular character in Worm and Ward, works in the Parahuman series of webserials.


As the leader of the Undersiders, she plays a major role in many fics in the fandom, even in cases where Taylor does not join up with the Undersiders.

Common Pairings

In canon, she is aromantic and asexual, however many fans have paired her with many other characters (typically in femslash pairings). These include

  • Smugbug - Pairing between Lisa Wilbourn and Taylor Hebert
  • Smug Punch - Pairing between Lisa Wilbourn and Victoria Dallon

Fanon and Common Tropes in Fanworks

In fanon, she is often depicted as being a smug know-it-all, and uses AllSeeingEye as a forum username. Additionally, she is commonly described in fanfics as having a "vulpine grin".

Example Fanworks



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