Linnaeus Says So

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Title: Linnaeus Says So
Author(s): halotolerant
Date(s): April 13, 2007
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: at sge-flashfic

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Linnaeus Says So is a Stargate Atlantis Rodney/Teyla story by halotolerant.

Categories and warnings: Categories: AU, slavefic, earthside. Warnings: slavefic, seriously heavy on themes of racism and misogyny.

The author said: "Inspired by the mock documentary 'CSA: Confederate States of America' and arguably a crossover, though you do not need to see that to understand this story."

Fan Comments

Sga talk

There are EXTENSIVE 2007 comments about this story at Sga talk. See Discussion of Linnaeus Says So, Archived version.

sga flashfic

See the comments at sga flashfic:

Other Venues

Why This Must Be Read:

From the fic: "A world where Abolition had never happened. Where the Confederacy had won the American Civil War and had respected Nazi racial policy so much as to allow the unrestrained takeover of Europe in the 40s. Here Africa was a farm to breed up stock, and children’s textbooks of Biology were prefaced with a ‘Tree of Existence’ showing the White Man (Homo sapiens) at the pinnacle..."

This fic was difficult to read, Just, wow. This centers around Rodney and Teyla, stuck along with John and Ronon on "Earth" in an alternate reality in which slavery was never abolished, Nazism flourished, and people of color are enslaved by white men in the modern world. Teyla is forced to live as Rodney's slave while they try to find a way out of this reality and back to Atlantis. It's not a comfortable scenario (see warnings), and it's not really a feel good read, for most of the fic. What it is, is incredibly well written, and extremely powerful. It doesn't just touch on the issues presented by Teyla becoming Rodney's slave, or the state of things within the alternate reality--it pulls up questions about Atlantis, about the dynamic between pretty much *everyone* in regards to race and gender and hell, *everything*. I don't know what to say, really.[1]


  1. ^ Stargate Fic Rec, December 8, 2008