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Title: Likewise
Author(s): AuKestrel
Date(s): 2000
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Kowalski
External Links: Likewise at due Slash Archive
Likewise at AO3

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Likewise is a Fraser/Kowalski story by AuKestrel.

Reactions and Reviews

This is my favorite DS story to date. Audra calls it schmoop - and to each their own - but this touched me deeply in a way few slash stories ever have. It made me think of my parents, married for decades and connected so deeply they could never be separated until death took one of them. She has captured that feeling of knowing someone so completely, so truly, every moment in that person's presence feels exquisite and poignant, and completely unique no matter how long two people have been together. [1]

Whenever I'm asked what my favorite due South story is, (and somebody really pins me down to ONE story, dammit!)I always hem and haw before saying, "probably AuK's Likewise." I've read it at least ten times now, and every time I do I see another layer of meaning, or some detail I hadn't noticed before. Her story summary -- "Godawful schmoop, 10 years post-CotW" -- is wildly inaccurate. There's so much unspoken in this, so much love and snark and sex, it blows me away. Every. Single. Time. AuK's Ray is older and wiser but no less himself; more ehtnically Polish than we see in canon, but it works very well. Her Fraser has loosened up some, but still retains the qualities that make him who he is. [2]

Aukestrel herself called this story “godawful schmoop,” but it’s well-written, effective, and enjoyable schmoop. Set 10 years post-COTW, Ray and Fraser live together in Canada. This is a snapshot of a day in their life together. Ray’s voice is very well done, and it’s wonderful and definitely schmoopy to see Ray reflect on the last 10 years with Fraser and to see how they’ve settled. I think the reason there are so many post-COTW stories in the fandom is because we all want to know what happened to them after they rode off on their Adventure. This gives us the very lovely happy ending that we wish for them. [3]

I realize that this story may be too sweet for some people. But to me, it's a remarkable example of the long-time story; this is what it's really like when ten years have passed and it's still good. I smile whenever I read this. And, hey, she quotes my favorite REM song at the end, so the story must be good, right? (Note for the grammar-fixated, my sisters in pedantry: the comma splices must imitate the voice of Kowalski on the show. I've read other stories by this author, and she doesn't write like that most of the time, so it's a stylistic choice. Take a deep breath and go with it for a bit. I think you'll find it works.) This is just a nice look at the happier, mellower future editions of Ray and Benton, and I for one think they totally deserve this fate.[4]
