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Like as a Child

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Title: Like as a Child
Author(s): Ann Marie Tajuddin
Date(s): 19-Nov 1996
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Quantum Leap
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Like as a Child is a gen Quantum Leap story written by Ann Marie Tajuddin.

It was posted to alt.tv.quantum-leap.creative in 1996.


SYNOPSIS: Al strives to help a girl in his own time. In the meantime, Sam has to convince a woman that her life isn't worth throwing away.

NOTES: Again, being the Al-coholic that I am, Sam takes a little while to make his enterance [sic] --part 4 in this one. <g> I just thought it was time to explore the fatherly side of Al. [1]

Author's Notes

And now for my thanks and all....As always, there are a few.... :)

[many personal thanks]

And finally (whew, the list just grows and grows), the c-leapers, who have welcomed me into their family with open arms and contibuted [sic] to my sense of peace.

And now for the part you've all been waiting for....no, not the story, the legalities. Sheesh. Okay, the characters are not mine, and someone just recently told me they didn't even exist in reality. I had her hung. Well....

Seriously, I don't own them, and they are the property of Don, as if he would read this. And if he does, and if he sees fit to sue me, the least he could do would be to use the money from the lawsuit to make a QL movie. [2]


Reactions and Reviews

Al finds an 11 year old girl on the streets after having been abused again by her father. She is Callie Winters and Al takes her under his wing for a bit and even files an application to adopt her. (Awwww). Sam (once we get to where he is) has Leaped into a chemical engineer called Chris Walton, in 1989. Sam is there to help his work colleague, Jody Hawkins, from going on a shooting spree when life deals her one last blow when she looses her job. Al finds out that Callie's dad is one Francis Winters, who is basically up to here in corruption and running for Senator. Al's very life is now threatened, especially when Francis sends two of his boys round.... While Sam is at the supermarket, trying to pacify Jody, who has several Hidden Secrets, one being that she is (just) pregnant and the father of the baby is a complete bastard. I'll leave you to figure out the rest, but Callie's future/past gets a whole lot better because of what Sam and Al did.[3]


  1. ^ from ql-archive
  2. ^ from ql-archive
  3. ^ Fanfic reviews? by Philippa Chapman (August 20, 1998)