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Name: lettered
Alias(es): tkp
Type: fanwriter
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series
URL: AO3, Tumblr, Dreamwidth, LiveJournal
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Lettered is a fan writer who has written more than a hundred stories and is active in Star Trek, Supernatural, BtVS/AtS, Harry Potter, and Marvel Cinematic Universe fandoms, as well as having a general interest in superheroes, musicals, 19th c. literature, and fairy tales. They were interview on episode 80 of The Fanfic Maverick podcast by ChaosBlue.

Notable Works

Transformative Works Statement

From lettered's AO3 profile: "If you would like to translate, remix, or transform any of these fics, just drop me a line. I will always say yes."[1]


  1. ^ Profile | Archive of Our Own (Last accessed 29 March 2016).