Lady Darkness (Harry Potter story)

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Title: Lady Darkness
Author(s): Emcee (its_art) and Rain (raendrop)
Date(s): 2004-2006
Length: 100,000+ words
Genre(s): drama/angst
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: On

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Lady Darkness was a pinnacle Tom/Ginny story in Harry Potter fandom. It is memorable for its length, and well-written plot -- it is definitely a novel-length fic. It was never finished, but remains deep in the hearts of its fans for its notable songfic style, tempered with the expert touch of a novelist. It did have accompanying fanart, but this has been lost to web-rot.

The story behind its creation is that it began its life as a quickfic from Emcee to Rain.[1]

Summary: "Being possessed by Tom Riddle wrought changes in Ginny Weasley no one could have imagined. Six years after first finding the diary, she's reached her goal. Now, Harry and Order face their most difficult challenge: fighting a friend."
