The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

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Name: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Abbreviation(s): LoEG, LXG
comic books
1999 – 2019
July 11, 2003
Medium: comics, films
Country of Origin: United States
External Links:
comic books
at Wikipedia
at IMDb
at Wikipedia
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The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a 21 plus one original graphic novel multi-genre,[1] cross over comic book series (inspired by the 1960 British film The League of Gentlemen) co-created by writer Alan Moore and artist Kevin O'Neill which began in 1999. A live-action film loosely adapted from Volume I and starring Sean Connery was released in 2003.

Main Characters

  • Mina Murray
  • Allan Quatermain
  • Hawley Griffin
  • Dr. Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde
  • Captain Nemo
  • Orlando


The well-known author Neil Gaiman cited that work as one of the influences for his award-winning short story "A Study in Emerald"[2].

Fannish Links


  1. ^ For comic books, the genres are: Alternate history, Steampunk, Horror, Science fiction, Metafiction and Superhero. For film, the genres are: 2003 steampunk/dieselpunk, superhero.
  2. ^ Introduction to Fragile Things