The Leonard Nimoy Fan Club

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You may be looking for the Leonard Nimoy Association of Fans or Spotlight on Leonard Nimoy.

Fan Club
Name: The Leonard Nimoy Fan Club (later "The Leonard Nimoy Club")
Dates: around 1983
Leadership: Sandra Keel (president), Barbara Walker (vice-president), Sharon Moody (secretary)
Country based in: LaFayette, Alabama
Focus: Leonard Nimoy and Star Trek
External Links:
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

The Leonard Nimoy Fan Club (later "The Leonard Nimoy Club") was based in Alabama.

It was an official club endorsed by Nimoy.

a 1983 flyer printed in the program book for the second Space Trek
a 1990 letter by Nimoy, printed in The Leonard Nimoy Fan Club Yearbook, using Disney letterhead

Zines Published

Some 1985 Participants

Sandra Keel (President of the LNFC), Cheryl Foster (a Regional Director - Region I), Betty Schmidt (Regional Director, Region 5), Sharon Delaney (a LNFC member and part of the Creation Convention staff), and me, Susan Ray (Regional Director - Region 7).
