Koloth Hatches His Revenge

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Title: Koloth Hatches His Revenge
Author(s): Linda Maclaren, Gina Martin, & Carol Yocum
Date(s): 1982
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Koloth Hatches His Revenge is a Star Trek: TOS story by Linda Maclaren, Gina Martin, & Carol Yocum.

It was published in the print zine Enter-comm #5.

Reactions and Reviews

Striving to improve his capacity for imaginative thinking, Koloth comes up with the perfect revenge for the tribbles Kirk sent to his ship. He sends 50 Gorn eggs to Kirk, so that the baby Gornlings all imprint on him at hatching. A charmer. The story takes place in the Dreadnought Explorations storyline, but that is not particularly important to enjoyment of the tale. [1]
