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Pairing: Killjoy/Raze
Alternative name(s): Nanobomb (canonical)
Gender category: femslash, F/F
Fandom: Valorant
Canonical?: Yes
Prevalence: Very Popular
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"Killjoy. You and me until the end."

Raze, in a voiceline

Killjoy/Raze, canonically known as Nanobomb, is the femslash pairing of Killjoy and Raze in the Valorant fandom. It is the only canonical pairing in the game.


Since Killjoy was added to the game, there have been many hints that she and Raze may have a romantic relationship with each other.

The pairing was made canonical during a social media takeover in December 2022. The second to last part of the takeover was an illustration by snatti89 of Raze and Killjoy kissing, [htttps:// posted without a caption on the official Twitter on December 11, 2022]. Instagram The same illustration was posted on the official Instagram.. Less than half an hour after the illustration was posted on Twitter, the creative director of Valorant, David Nottingham, retweeted the illustration with the word "Canonical". A few hours after the illustration was posted on Twitter, the official Valorant Twitter account tweeted "nanobomb". A month later, in Patch 6.01, there was an update to The Range that included an email from Viper to Brimstone regarding internal policy changes regarding the Protocol's anti-fraternization policy. The email does not reference Killjoy and Raze by name, but this update came shortly after the illustration was posted.

However, even before Nanobomb was made canon, many fans already considered it canon because of how heavily hinted it was.