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Mailing List
Name: KikiSlash
Date(s): 2001-2002
Moderated: No
Moderators/List Maintainers: Dunst_Slash
Type: fanfiction
Fandom: RPF
Scope: Kirsten Dunst
URL: Yahoo! Group (archive link)
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KikiSlash was an email discussion group for femslash fanfiction starring Kirsten Dunst and the characters played by her. Both femslash and het were allowed, as were all ratings.

The group was created on September 14, 2001. It was a public group, with no membership approval process. The last post by a member was in April 2002.

posting history

As of October 2019, the group had 24 members.


Adult mailing list for slash fan fiction and discussion about the actress Kirsten Dunst - OR any of the characters played by her, such as Torrance from Bring It On, Nicole from Crazy/Beautiful, Claudia from IWTV, Betsy from Dick, Amber from Drop Dead Gorgeous or even Lux Lisbon from The Virgin Suicides (if you find a proper pairing ::grin::).

So, this means this is a group for both real people slash and fictional people slash, all Kirsten related, and that we're gay friendly. Flamers and spammers are certainly NOT welcome here. This is FICTION, we do like and respect Kirsten's work, and yes, from what we know she's still straight.

Since the list is rather small, we also allow non-slash kikifics (gen, het) and some other actorslash, which we're sure will be greatly appreciated (Eliza Dushku anyone???).

All kinds of stories are welcome (yes, NC-17 too), but keep in mind that we're not very fond with the idea of simple p-o-r-n, and that goes for you, lil horny guys. Elaborated erotica is much more prefered.[1]


First Post

Well, as nobody has said anything yet, I just thought I'd drop by and say hello.

I'm the so-called moderator of this egroup. I'm 19, from a certain place in Europe, and female (yes, I AM female!). What's the purpose of the list? I created it to share Kirsten Dunst fanfics (and fanart, why not?), send feedback, get informed of slash-related news, even talk Kirsten gossip if you want. And also to promote f/f slash. I like actorslash and m/m too, but there's a regrettable lack of RP (real people) femslash in this yaoi world, except maybe for pop princesses... but the pop princess girl-on-girl porn is not what I call my pair of shoes. =P And actress slash is nearly unexistent.

I know we're very few right now, and that's why I think we won't be very active unless you really want it. :) But I'd try to do my best. My aim is to send one story per week or so, maximum two weeks. There aren't that much kikifics over there, so I'd try to compensate with other kind of fics.

You should really inform me about your preferences in fanfic - het, gen, slash, real people, whatever. I have multiple tastes, FPS over RPS, and f/f slightly over m/m, and I'd try to send what you prefer. Anyway, PLEASE don't just tell me 'I like evrythin HOT girl-on-girl action'! You know, Kirsten is drop dead gorgeous and yes, how wonderful it is to picture her making out with a girl, but if dirty stories are only what you want, I'm afraid this isn't the place for you.


