Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki

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Name: Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki
Owner/Maintainer: Gildie
Dates: March 14, 2013 - present
Topic: Keeper of the Lost Cities
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Keeper of the Lost Cities Wiki is a Keeper of the Lost Cities FANDOM Wiki.


Honestly, to the early history, there isn’t a lot I can tell. But I can definitely tell you my part of the story and what I’ve pieced together!

*clears throat*

Once day on March 14, 2013, someone named Coltan Shone appeared and created the wiki out of the dust. They made the page for Sophie and then disappeared into the night, never to be heard from again.

Over a year later, on April 12, 2014, Rayah (Icecream111) appeared and began editing. She adopted the wiki through official FANDOM procedures shortly after, and worked hard to bring the wiki to life. She ran the wiki for over three years after, working with four administrators she appointed at various times. She did a lot to bring the wiki to where it is today.

One fine day, November 6, 2017, a new figure emerged. One you may be familiar with. She went by the name “SophitzFoster” on the wiki, but we will call her “Catherine.” *cough*

This “Catherine” was truly enthusiastic about the work and hopped right to it, racking up 400 contributions in the space of two months, at which point Rayah asked her if she would like to become an administrator. She gladly accepted and continued her work with gusto.

At this point, all of the administrators besides Rayah (and pretty much including Rayah) were inactive, leaving Catherine to set out on the journey on her own.

…but not quite.

For, on May 4, 2018, Rayah officially made Catherine the owner and disappeared, and Catherine appointed an editor named Eva to help her in her efforts.

Eva and Catherine together worked on the wiki up until October 26, 2019, when they appointed another administrator, Mintie, to help them.

[Eva can be credited with starting the KotLC wiki Discord—I’ve made so many friends through it!]

Unfortunately, on June 27, 2020, Eva resigned from her post, after two loyal years of service to the wiki. She was incredible, and I (I mean “Catherine”) was honored to work with her. She left the fandom, never to be seen again. A user named Cherry was appointed to help in her stead.

Fast forward two months, and, well… Catherine had done her time as well—as an owner and administrator. The weights of school and life were on her shoulders, and she decided that it was better for newer users to serve the wiki. It simply wasn’t her place to be in charge anymore. So she stepped down to just a “content moderator” (someone that assists with article pages, categories, etc., as opposed to overall site management and/or community aspects, which administrators also take care of). She appointed a user named Gildie to assist in her place.

Today, Gildie, Mintie, and Cherry still serve the wiki as administrators, along with Catherine and a handful of other moderators to assist them. The journey of the wiki continues, with 2.5 million contributions and 916 articles on it (as opposed to fewer than 300 when Catherine first joined).



  1. ^ wait i want to hear the story behind the wiki by everliving-everblaze (2021)