Just Work Your Body and Let It Go

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Title: Just Work Your Body and Let It Go
Author(s): waketosleep (stripedpetunia)
Date(s): 21 November 2010
Length: ~3,000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Untitled (Dreamwidth)
Untitled (LJ)
Just Work Your Body and Let It Go (AO3)
picspam inspiration for the story

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Just Work Your Body and Let It Go is a Steve/Danny story by waketosleep. It was originally untitled, but the author named it, when they posted the fic to AO3.

Author's notes: "robanybody taunted me with pictures of O'Lough looking like rough trade and now there is almost 3000 words of (unbeta'd, partially written in Notes on an ipod while I was at work) Steve/Danny porn under the following cut. *turns head away in shame, posts*"

Recs and Reviews

Steve/Danny | NC-17. PWP at it's best, omg. So, work sucks. Danny's in search of alcohol and finds Steve looking like walking sex. Just, yeah. Be sure to check out the pics of Alex she links to that prompted the fic. HOW IS HE SO HOT. I mean, not everyone can make denim on denim work, but damn if Alex didn't do it. Of course, the Aviators and scruff help too.[1]


  1. ^ reeface. Operation: H50 Recs, 2011. (Accessed 10 June 2016)