Just This Once

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Title: Just This Once
Publisher: "published on behalf of the Four "S's" by Susan & Ron Clarke," agented by Bill Hupe
Date(s): 1986
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
External Links:
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front cover by Susan Campbell

Just This Once is a gen Star Trek: TOS fanzine containing 50 pages. It was published in Australia.


The art is by Susan Campbell, Betty De Gabrielle, and Shayne McCormack.

Sample Pages

Reactions and Reviews

I haven't read this... Just skimming through, McCoy seems to have an adventure with an ancestor of Spock's, who resembles Spock (except he is bearded) a sort of pirate named Soren. Sarek had told McCoy about this "black sheep" of the family. looks interesting. [1]

What a delight - a one-off Star Trek zine created from the combined talents of Sue(s) Clarke and Bursztynski, and Shayne McCormack. That's a formable line up. The stories are collaborations between Sue B. and Sue C., Sue C. and Shayne, and all three. The two Sue(s) story, "McCoy and the Pirate" is utterly delightful, accompanied by a glorious Betty de Gabrielle illo - speaking of illos, the Susan Campbell SFS cover is a stunner, especially the dreamy David in the centre. A must for Star Trek fans, and only $3.00 posted in Australia. [2]


  1. ^ from an eBay seller in 2015
  2. ^ from Lodestar #5