Juck Kelly

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Synonyms: War of Juck
Date Started: April 2018[1]
See Also:
Juck Kelly.jpg
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Juck Kelly, also The Juck War of 2018, was a Newsies meme and fandom war centered around a photoshopped image of Jeremy Jordan, who played Jack Kelly on Broadway, and an associated Tumblr blog. It seems to have been created by user brooklynbadboys.[2]

The fandom was quickly divided into pro-Juck, anti-Juck, and Juck-neutral camps over a period which may have lasted months. It continues to come up in conversation from time to time. Most of the discourse appears to have been exaggerated or ironic, but it is still remembered with little fondness. The neutral side was occasionally referred to as the "european side."[3]



We’re a family. An awkward, but relatively sane, family. We can’t lose you. [About the Neutral Juck squad.]




I hate to be the one to tell you this but… Juck isn’t real


if y’all are ranting about this problematic fandom because of Juck you need to reevaluate a few things


Not to cause even more drama but the juck war isn’t serious. Both sides of the war still love each other and we’re being dramatic for the sake of being dramatic. We aren’t actually trying to split the fandom in two. It’s just a joke and I don’t think anyone involved is taking any part of this seriously. But having said that Long live juck and the other side of the war can burn


The War of Juck was considered to have ended by September 2018.[10]


This whole Juck thing started as a joke and people are overreacting and you have the entire fandom worried, frustrated, angered, and bitter and fighting about it isn’t going to help anything. Let people have their fun and it will die down. Constantly arguing about it isn’t going to make it go away. They will just keep teasing you and make you give a reaction and that’s literally all they are going for.


long story short, a few months ago the newsies fandom divided into two sides over a photoshopped picture of jeremy jordan that was dubbed Juck Kelly. some people thought he was valid, some people thought he wasn’t, but people suffered and villages burned down. nobody was safe.


Y'all are gonna hate my for this, but the way this fandom acts about juck is STUPID. Yes he's a cursed meme and I understand not liking an edit with a bunch of eyes (so tag pics as tw scopophobia???), but a fucking MEME divided this fandom in half and that is RIDICULOUS. Whenever a newcomer mentions him or someone tries to bring him back, y'all act as if the world is ending when you could be rational and explain it caused a discourse problem and some people are uncomfortable with him and just TAG YOUR SHIT PROPERLY.


i just don’t get all the hate, like it’s just a stupid fucking meme. the newsies fandom is like, generally chill compared to some OTHER fandoms, but whenever a new meme pops up we always descend into war. personally: i don’t give a damn about juck. i think it’s funny. sure, tag it with scopophobia! it’s common decency. but to have such an outright WAR over a silly meme—


So I’m the first to admit that I’d rather not get asks about this but I don’t get angry when I receive them. I’m really tired of blogs getting angry when people ask what it is. They don’t know and they’re curious, they’re not looking to anger you. There’s no need to express frustration or anger towards the person who sent the ask. If they’re asking they’re likely new to the fandom and therefore don’t know many blogs. What kind of a welcome to the fandom is you getting angry at them for a simple ask about a meme? What if it’s their first interaction with a newsies blog and they’re being hated on? Also, a lot of the fandom are younger teenagers and you should be, especially if you’re older, setting an example for how you should act online and in this fandom. I hate the idea of people feeling scared to interact with new blogs so be welcoming and spread kindness as much as you can.


Example Fanworks

Poetry and Prose



  1. ^ Gobb gob by juckkelly (April 2018)
  2. ^ jack kelly and his chin friend juck by brooklynbadboys (April 2018)
  3. ^ on Juck reblog chain by histories-and-mystery (May 2018)
  4. ^ >:( change your header ask reblog chain (May 2018)
  5. ^ As one of the founders of the Neutral Juck squad reblog chain (May 2018)
  6. ^ Attention all Juck haters reblog chain (May 2018)
  7. ^ Juck is very valid reblog chain (April 2018)
  8. ^ Wait a minute by tis-my-cigar (May 2018)
  9. ^ reblog by brooklynbadboys (May 2018)
  10. ^ I remember trying to enter the newsies fandom the first time. by skautism reblog chain (September 2018)
  11. ^ Wtf is even happening anymore reblog by be-more-chill-evan-hansen (May 2018)
  12. ^ ask to sun-kissed-star (October 2018)
  13. ^ Ok I'm gonna say it by skautism (July 2019)
  14. ^ reblog by romeomahbromeo (February 2020)
  15. ^ Did you create juck by brooklynbadboys (February 2020)