Journey of the Senses

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Title: Journey of the Senses
Publisher: Requiem Publications
Date(s): 2004-2006
Medium: print
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
Language: English
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Journey of the Senses is a slash anthology of fiction by LilyK.

Issue 1

cover of issue #1 by Romanse

Journey of the Senses 1 contains 158 pages and art by Romanse. It was published in December 2004.

  • Change Your Mind (Summary: Since things seem to be a bit off-kilter, Simon orders Jim and Blair to visit a counselor.) (6 pages)
  • Sense of Reflection (Summary: A phone call from Blair's mentor, Eli Stoddard, changes his life.) (27 pages)
  • The Reason Is You (Summary: Jim and Naomi talk a couple of days after Blair's press conference.) (6 pages)
  • A Guide For All Seasons (Summary: A Sentinel is illegally captured and Blair Sandburg sets out to put things right.) (51 pages)
  • End of the Rainbow (Summary: Blair is upset when he finds out that Jim has been hiding the fact that he's taken major heat from other cops who think he and Jim are in a physical relationship.) (13 pages)
  • Primal Jaguar (Summary: Dr. Blair Sandburg heads an expedition to Peru. On his first night in the country, he is introduced to the patron of the expedition, and is shocked to find out that the sponsor of his project owns a slave.) (49 pages)

Issue 2

cover of issue #2 by Lorraine Brevig

Journey of the Senses 2 was published in August 2005 and contains 208 pages.

  • Finding the Light (AU. Hiding a troubled childhood and hyperactive senses, Jim Ellison's hard exterior keeps everything and everyone far away, especially any chance at love and romance. And Blair Sandburg's idealistic ideas of love and romance are put to the test. Inspired by the movie, Wild Orchid.)
  • Daylight Confessions (Jim overhears Blair talking about his imminent demise.)
  • Food for the Soul (AU. Jim is hired by Blair's friends at Major Crime to cook for him while he is home on extended leave due to medical complications following his drowning at the hands of Alex Barnes.)

Issue 3

cover by Romanse

Journey of the Senses 3 was published in September 2006, and it has 296 pages and interior art by by Antoinette Gates. It is the winner of a 2007 FanQ.

  • The Edge of Forever (94 pages) (Summary: When Jim inherits a huge supposedly haunted house on the East Coast, he also seems to have inherited the property's mysterious caretaker.)
  • Quest for the Sun (135 pages) (Inspired by the book, The Moonspinners by Mary Stewart. Summary: Deep in the Cascade Mountains, Blair is drawn into the adventure of a lifetime when he stumbles across an injured man.)
  • Return to Cascade (67 pages) (Based on the movie, Big Eden. Summary: Blair returns to Cascade after a long absence to care for his ailing grandfather. Jim realizes that he's still in love with Blair after many years, but Blair loves another man.)