Jigsaw (Professionals story)

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Title: Jigsaw
Author(s): HG
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
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Jigsaw is a Professionals slash story by HG. Pairing: Bodie/Doyle.


Part 1: Bodie and Doyle are in a sexual relationship but Doyle is more serious than Bodie, who refuses to accept it's about anything but sex.

Part 2: A year later and Doyle, recovering from being shot, is approached by Cowley to return to CI5 and look for a mole. He accepts and approaches a rage-filled Bodie - who has left CI5 - for help.


"You were shot approximately three months after learning Bodie had resigned as I recall."

His hard-won calm breached, Doyle glared at his tormentor. He didn't have to take this kind of interference from anyone. Not now. But probing the subject he had forbidden himself was irresistible.

"About that long," he agreed, emotion flattened out of his voice. By then he had stopped believing Bodie would reappear from wherever Cowley had sent him and had known almost to the last dragging minute how long it had been since he had seen his partner. *Pining like an abandoned dog. How bloody sentimental. Not my style at all. Or Bodie's. Obviously.* And the pain was back, fresh as the day when he had learned the truth.

Reactions and Reviews


...their relationship had never been tested on the show with the shit that fan writers throw at them. That moment in Jigsaw where Bodie let's Doyle believe the baby is his was GUT-WRENCHING. It is the kind of crappy, underhanded, mean, manipulative thing you could only do to somebody you loved.[1]


I thoroughly hated the first 100 pages or so of "Jigsaw Puzzle" and quite enjoyed the second half. The first half puts the Lads through an angst blender, with no discernibly intelligent character motivations. But they get better.[2]


This is an extremely long, emotionally complicated story and I love it. I must admit that I like the second part much better than the first. I don't much like this rage-filled Bodie but I can believe in him - just - given the cirumstances. And I absolutely adore the ending, which is how I'd like to see them ending up.[3]


  1. ^ comment on Virgule-L, quoted anonymously (July 16, 1993)
  2. ^ comment on Virgule-L, quoted anonymously with permission (September 27, 1994)
  3. ^ Madrigal, posted January 2004