Jean McBrian/Hailey Yarner

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Pairing: Jean McBrian/Hailey Yarner
Alternative name(s):
Gender category: F/F, femslash
Fandom: The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco
Canonical?: Implied one-sided unrequited
Prevalence: Uncommon
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Jean McBrian/Hailey Yarner is a femslash pairing in The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco fandom.


In canon, Jean and Hailey met after Millie and Jean travelled to the US to solve the murder of a colleague of theirs at Bletchley Park during the war. Hailey served as a mechanic during the war, but was (and remained) close to code-breaker Iris Bearden, who Jean also corresponded with, albeit anonymously, during their work. The four women teamed up and continued to solve crimes after closing the case Jean and Millie went to America for originally.

Hailey played a key role in encouraging Jean to stay in America with Millie, after her insistence of taking Jean out to see what San Francisco has to offer culminated in both a late night dip in the ocean and a lot of self-reflection on Jean's side.

There is a short exchange at the end of season one which all but confirmed that Hailey had feelings of some sort for Jean.


One of Hailey's story-lines during the show was her coming out to her long-time friend, Iris, after being deeply affected by the homophobic attacks they were trying to solve. Some fans of the show had also long head-canoned Jean as being sapphic. The pairing is fairly rare compared to the much more commonly written Millie Harcourt/Jean McBrian pairing in the fandom, but there are a few scenes that fans enjoy playing off of.

For example, Hailey unknowingly convinced Jean to stay in America with Millie. She took Jean out to various places in San Francisco on her would-be last day in the country and they ended up taking a light night swim in the ocean, where Jean reflected on what exactly was waiting for her back in the UK and changed her mind about leaving. This scene has featured in a few Hailey/Jean works. Hailey also played a protective role during an episode, defending Jean against the attack of a man they were trying to find, and this protective aspect of her personality also appears in pairings.

Fan Commentary

Common Tropes and Fanon

  • Skinny dipping/late night swimming - This was a canon event and some works explore or continue the scenes that were shown with a more shippy perspective.
  • Age gap - While the exact age gap isn't easy to determine, Hailey was 16 when she joined the war as a mechanic (likely sometime between 1942-1944) and Jean is in her 50s by the start of The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco in 1956, meaning there is likely around 20 years between them. Works about the pairing generally do not change this age gap and it sometimes comes up as a point within the story-line.


Example Fanworks




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