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Title: Isometry
Author(s): Syntax6
Genre(s): MSR
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: at Gossamer

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Isometry is an X-Files story by Syntax6.

Summary: "The story of a man, a woman and their lucky pickle. Season 4 cancer era. Rated NC-17."

Reactions and Reviews

I don’t like most cancer arc fic for the same reason I don’t like most hurt/comfort stories: unless the illness/injury is canon, they feel contrived, created to further the romance between the chosen pairing. Cancer fic has another, different strike against it. I’m an RN who spent most of my career taking care of cancer patients, and most writers get it wrong (including the scriptwriters). However, there is one story I can recommend without reservation: “Isometry” by syntax6. She gets the details of Scully’s illness right, she gets the characterizations right, she even creates a believable romance for Mulder and Scully. The story slots perfectly into canon, apart from the sex, of course. [1]
