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Interview with Carter Hayden - The Voice of Noah

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Interview with Carter Hayden - The Voice of Noah
Interviewer: various fans on Dramatic Static (Musou, Bigez, TDAddict, TDIFan13, CD-TDA, Politoed89, Neko-Naito, Jess, Waffle, Fashin, BarBar, Big-O, Lil Mizz Krazie, The Cartoon)
Interviewee: Carter Hayden
Date(s): 03 August 2011 (posted online)
Medium: Forum Post
Fandom(s): Total Drama
External Links: Interview with Carter Hayden - The Voice of Noah, Archived version on Dramatic Static
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Interview with Carter Hayden - The Voice of Noah is an interview (conducted through email?) and later posted online to Dramatic Static, a Tapatalk forum for the Total Drama fandom. In the interview, Carter Hayden, the English voice actor for Noah, answers questions asked by users of the forum about his experience voicing the character.


9. “What is the most memorable experience you've had working with on Total Drama?” – Waffle

The most memorable part has been the singing. It was a whole other world knowing that my singing was being recorded and I thought the songs were catchy and well written. Especially the one where they are singing about stripping down the guard in the London episode. I love that song.

3. “Noah has been paired in a relationship by fans with many of the Total Drama girls (and Cody) over the course of the series, who do you think would suit Noah the best, and why?” – TDAddict

I honestly don't see Noah's character hooking up with anyone. He's too preoccupied and critical to be in a relationship - I think his standards are too high. He seems content to just hang with Owen and make fun of everything else.

7. "First, let me start by saying that I am a huge fan of Noah, and I think you're doing an excellent job as his voice actor; also, thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Second, did you try out for Noah originally, or someone else? If you couldn't voice Noah, who would you want to on Total Drama?" – Neko-Naito

Thank you! I originally auditioned for Noah, Owen and the host, Chris. If I had to pick another character to be...probably Chris since he never gets kicked off. ha. I like Owen's character but I wouldn't want to voice it because Scott already does such a perfect job of it. Don't know… I'm just happy with having Noah to voice.

References/Further Reading