Inner Geekdom

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Name: Inner Geekdom
Archivist: Kaz
Founder: Kaz
Type: slash
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
URL: Inner Geekdom (Wayback)
Inner geekdom icon.jpg
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Inner Geekdom was an Andrew/Xander focused fanfiction archive, with an associated mailing list of the same name.


Welcome to Inner Geekdom, the Andrew/Xander Zone of the BtVS Writers' Guild. IG is an archive devoted to the relationship (romantic, sexual or platonic) between Xander Harris and Andrew Wells of the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The Xander/Andrew (Xandrew for short) relationship progressed throughout season 7 and it was clear that the two had more in common than living on the Hellmouth! The focus of this archive is to celebrate the beauty of their relationship through fanfiction, whether it's about what has happened, what could've happened, or what we wish would've happened. We have a fantastic archive, essays on writing Andrew, Xander and the Xandrew pairing, beta readers to help you polish your Xandrew fanfic, links to other sites and some fabulous extras (wallpapers, fanart, icons). If you have a Xandrew fanfic or fanart, please submit it. Want to write a fic but can't think of a plot? Visit the challenge section. We also have a list of fic recommendations for Xandrew, Andrew and Xander slash fic!

Don't forget to sign the guestbook and the guestmap and take the Xandrew monthly poll! Please join the Inner Geekdom fanfic list for fanfic and discussion!

Please note that this archive contains male slash. Yes, it's about two men loving each other, being naughty and talking about comic books (among other things). If any of this disturbs you, please leave now!

Inner Geekdom Homepage
