Ink (Tom Riddle archive)

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For the archive active in 2007 for all Harry Potter Dark families, see Ink (Dark families archive).
Name: Ink
Date(s): 05 June 2002 – c. January 2004;
last updated 07 August 2002
Archivist: Zarya Aymaru & Marvolo
Founder: Zarya Aymaru & Marvolo
Type: Tom Riddle-centric fanworks
Fandom: Harry Potter
Ink at exitseraphim boards (forum)
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Ink was a Harry Potter archive for the character Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort.

The archive had its own forum but it appears it only ever received a few posts.

It was affiliated with the very briefly active Tom/Percy Yahoo! group Spilt Ink.


ink is an all-purpose, all-pairings, slash/het/gen/other-friendly archive of Tom Riddle fanfiction. This archive is hosted on, and is brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood purveyors of Death Eater pornography, Zarya and Marvolo. If you've got any questions or comments regarding the site, you can direct them to us via [email protected].

We like Tom Riddle, you like Tom Riddle, half the fandom's fangirls like Tom Riddle, and yet there is very little easy-to-find Tom fic on the 'net, much less an organized archive for it. We wanted one, so we made one.

The ratings on these stories go up to NC-17 and many include slash. If either of those things don't turn your crank, just avoid what you don't like.

Only the plot and text of these stories are being claimed by the authors. This is fan fiction; the characters, locations and themes depicted are the property of J.K. Rowling and her associates.

If you're interested in Tom-related discussion, you can head on over to the ink forums. Also, though there isn't yet a general Tom-related mailing list, if you're interested in the Tom/Percy pairing, be sure to check out our affiliated list, Spilt Ink.

ink. - about