In the Shadows (Dark Shadows zine)

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Title: In the Shadows
Publisher: Old House Publishing
Editor(s): Dale Clark
Date(s): 1994? 1995?
Medium: print
Genre: gen
Fandom: Dark Shadows
Language: English
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In the Shadows is a gen 160-page Dark Shadows anthology.



  • English Shadows by Andy Nunez (5)
  • The Meeting by Terry Cogliano (20)
  • Spirit Mother by Sandra Necchi ("The year is 1942 and Quentin Collins journeys to Brazil in the hopes of finding someone who can help him find the peace that has so long been denied him, but what he learns there at the hands of one of the native mystics teaches him that peace must come from within.") (33)
  • Two of Kind by S. Ramskill ("Driven by loneliness, despair and disappointment after another failed attempt at a cure, Barnabas finds himself falling under the spell of a woman who also suffers from vampirism. As Christine gains further control over his mind and soul, Barnabas must struggle with his inner demons as the one person who offers him salvation is slated to become the vampiress' next victim.") (54)
  • Citizen Collins by Andy Nunez ("On a business trip to France, Barnabas and Jeremiah find themselves involved in the tumultuous history making events of the times as they encounter not only General Bonapane and Josephine but an army of the undead under the command of the evil sorcerer, Cagliostro.") (79)
  • Winter of the Flame by Kathy Resch ("While in Egypt as part of the Grand Tour, Desmond Collins falls under the spell of a beautiful woman that he recognizes as one of his own ancestors - Laura Collins. As his love for her grows he tries to stir within her some remnants of her lost humanity, only to find that Laura has no desire to forsake the sun god Ra and in retaliation for her lover's affront leaves Desmond with a gift which threatens not only his life but that of the entire Collins family.") (99)
  • Still Life by Marcy Robin (131)
  • Welcome Home by Emily Klaczak (137)
  • Dark Inheritance by Jimmy Hutcheson ("Isaac Collins comes to the New World in hopes of escaping the hardships and terror that his family experienced in Europe. But unknown to him, his dreams of happiness and peace are doomed to fai.lure, for the source of the Collins' curse has not been left behind but has instead crossed the Atlantic with him.") (154)
  • other smaller unknown content

Reactions and Reviews

IN THE SHADOWS turned out great! I love the over-all look of it, the color cover and spiral binding was nice, and your selection of photos excellent. I especially liked the one of Grayson Hall, it's not often that we see glamorous photos of her in DS fanzines. I wish writers would do more Quentin stories! Stories like "SPIRIT MOTHER". .. Since 70 years of his life are unknown to us who knows where and what he was doing. So much potential here.[1]

IN THE SHADOWS --loved it, from that glorious color front cover to the wretched back cover that signalled the end of the anthology. (Say, where was your distinctive Old House Publishing Logo?) «A slip on my part -- DC) The stories by Kathy Resch and Sandra Necchi were exciting and full of colorful locale; Emily Klaczak's "WELCOME HOME" was a touching tale. Andy Nunez really outdid himself -- "ENGLISH SHADOWS" was authentically detailed enough to make me believe it, and "CITIZEN COLLINS" was fabulous fact-grounded fancy. My compliments on the production! [2]


  1. ^ from an LoC in Inside the Old House #53
  2. ^ from an LoC in Inside the Old House #53