in empty streets

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Title: in empty streets
Author(s): Makioka
Date(s): 5 May 2014
Length: 3435 words
Genre(s): futurefic, semi-AU
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
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"in empty streets" is a short story by Makioka based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It takes place some time after the novel, when Andrew Raynes is an ambulance worker in London during the Blitz.


After a raid, Andrew encounters Bim Taylor, who has just returned to England after being shot down over France.


The story was written as a gift for dirtybinary in the 2014 Renault Exchange.


"in empty streets" elicited a number of comments, including the following:

  • "Talk about your rare pairings! Charioteer fandom gets more and more inventive by the day (and you know this is a compliment). I would never have imagined that they could have much to say to one another, but they really do."—comment by Naraht
  • "You've really captured the essence of what I love about both characters, and this little interaction between them is so realistic--they're so different in so many ways, but the mutual respect makes it utterly believable that they might become friends or something more."—comment by dirtybinary