In His Best Interests

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Title: In His Best Interests
Author(s): Terri Botta
Date(s): 25 May 2000
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Kowalski
External Links: In His Best Interests (The Fan Fiction of Terri Botta)
at AO3

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In His Best Interests is a Fraser/Kowalski story by Terri Botta.

Reactions and Reviews

One thing I have found about this fandom is that the writers don't often understand the concept of ratings. Sometimes stories that should probably be an NC-17 or R are rated PG and the stories rated NC-17 are really more of a light R or PG-13. So the ratings are often deceptive. This is one of those misrated stories. The writer gives it a PG rating, but there is a hot little sex scene towards the end that while not extremely graphic or very long is enough to warrant higher than that. I would actually label this a strong R or maybe light NC-17. This is a really sweet story, that has just enough angst thrown in for flavor. This story is set in the future. Ray and Fraser had a romantic relationship and apparently broke up about 14 years earlier. Due to some misunderstandings and deceptions caused by outside parties they have not been in touch during all that time. Ray comes to visit Fraser when he hears of his retirement and the deceptions are revealed. Both find out that they have misperceived the others reasons for being absent in their lives and work to try and heal the rift. It is really a very touching story and quite well written. I think it is one of my favorites in this fandom. Due to it's sweetness and well written dialogue. The story is believable to the point it just sucks you in and you are there with them seeing the frozen north clearly and feeling their pain and happiness right along with them. I love a story that pulls you in, that you can see so very clearly that it just seems real for that moment. This is one of those. [1]

This one starts slow, but once it gets going, it's impossible to stop reading.

It's been fifteen years since Ray and Fraser broke up and Fraser moved up to Canada. He's retired (due to a serious injury in the line of duty) and living close to Maggie's family, playing favorite uncle to Maggie's kids. And then Ray shows up. Fraser's ticked because he hasn't heard anything from Ray in a decade, until Ray explains that Maggie had told him that Fraser was dead.

Wow. There's so many things I like about this story: the premise, the fact that Terri's not afraid to have her characters age, the details behind everything that's happened to Ray in that missing decade. Even the kids are cool, which isn't something I say often, and while Maggie's much more manipulative than you usually see her in fanfic, she's not a two-dimensional bad guy, just a sister doing what she thinks is best for her brother. If nothing else, this fic is a great reminder that life doesn't end at forty and that alone is reason enough to read it. [2]
