I Won't Fear Love

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Fraser/Vecchio Fanfiction
Title: I Won't Fear Love
Author(s): Elaine Walker
Date(s): 1998 or before
Genre: slash
Fandom: due South
External Links: online here
online at AO3

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I Won't Fear Love is a Fraser/Vecchio story by Elaine Walker.

Reactions and Reviews

Whilst I'm not entirely convinced Ray would take out his anger in the way portrayed here or that he would be angry for the reason portrayed here it's done in a way which can persuade you. And the anger is balanced out by the hurt/comfort and healing later on in the fic as both Fraser and Ray come to terms with the situation and find a happy ending. [1]

I think this story must be one of the best, most realistic Due South slashfics out there. More than any other, it portrays how a person can realise the depth of their love for someone of the same gender.

When Fraser is arrested at a gay bar, Ray is shocked and angry to discover that his friend is in love with him and had only been there because he wanted to be with people who wouldn't be shocked by his feelings for Ray. Despite his own misgivings, Ray is drawn into a sexual relationship with Fraser, but his residual disgust makes it very unfulfilling, until Fraser is hurt in a hostage negotiation.

Paul Gross, who plays Fraser, is extremely sexy and able to convey a lot of sexual tension in his acting. Elaine seems to have tapped into that and brought it to the fore with her portrayal of a Fraser who is gay and terrified that Ray will reject him because of it. Ray too is portrayed excellently--your typical Italian-American cop who is faced with feelings and situations he doesn't understand, and would rather not be part of, but which he can't stop.

The sex scenes in this story are tame in that only two minor sex acts are portrayed, but Elaine writes them in such a way that the emotions both men are feeling come through clearly, and when Ray finally finds pleasure in making love to Fraser, the audience is able to tap into that. Add this to the fact that both Fraser and Ray are never out of character, and you have one excellent story. I Won't Fear Love is well worth reading. Go to the Due South fiction archive now and get it. [2]


  1. ^ 2006 rec at Rec50
  2. ^ review by T'Mar, [1]I Won't Fear Love] at Slash Revolution International