I Liked That Toothbrush

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: I Liked That Toothbrush
Author(s): Gil Hale
Date(s): 04 May 2001
Length: 31 K
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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I Liked That Toothbrush is a Sentinel story by Gil Hale.

It was published in Knitted Souls #9 and is online.

Author's summary: "Blair is already juggling studying, teaching, observing, and two blondes and a redhead… when Jim becomes the housewife from hell."

Reactions and Reviews

This story is funny and warm and sweet. Jim is acting strangely. What could be the reason?[1]

At the same time as people were recommending "Home Alone", this story was also mentioned -- and no wonder. This is also a Jim-missing-Blair story (though Blair isn't actually away, he's just very busy) and it was also good. I particularly liked the way the author showed (from Jim's point of view) Jim not realizing that his own behaviour was unusual, and I also liked the final explanation for it -- not to mention the fun of actually observing Jim's anal-retentive-gone-into-overdrive-to-the-max behaviours... Did I mention this was entertaining? [2]

Gil wrote this for Sentinel Angst dues, but it's decidedly not angsty. Just the opposite, really. Enjoy.[3]


  1. ^ kernel1 at Crack Van. I Liked That Toothbrush by Gil Hale (G), 20 November 2013.
  2. ^ 2001 comments at Katspace
  3. ^ 2014 comments at Fancake