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I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore!
You may be looking for Not in Kansas Anymore, an OZ (HB0) zine.
Zine | |
Title: | I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore! |
Publisher: | Asylum Press |
Editor(s): | |
Date(s): | 2002, CD |
Series?: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | |
Genre: | |
Fandom: | Smallville |
Language: | English |
External Links: | stories online at Creed's website |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
I Don't Think We're in Kansas Anymore! is a 186-page slash Smallville anthology of fiction by Creed Cascade and TJ. It was offered in both print and CD format.
CD Version
Thank you for purchasing this zine on CD. We hope that you find it as enjoyable to read as we did to write it. The zine is done with MS Word so as long as you have that program you shouldn't have any problem reading the material on the disk. We've also included the cover art for the zine as a jpeg file so you don't miss out on that.
We've also included the Tempus Sans font file. The headings and such were done with this font. If you don't have it you'll need to install it to better read the zine.
Letter from the Editors
It's hard to resist those big doe eyes and shaggy mop of hair, especially when they seem to follow a certain bald hottie around. The relationship between Clark and Lex is purely dynamic from that very first kiss of life. We wanted to capture a spectrum of different possibilities that relationship could take. But no matter the twists and turns we take the boys on, In the end, we always know they love each other. We like to think our writing partnership is nearly as iron clad.
We believe that writers should not be censored and this zine Is a result of that belief. We wanted to explore the very limits of these characters, forever stretching the boundaries. There's no point In sugar coating the lives of characters when real people don't have the luxury of a backspace button. Some of our stories aim to make you think, laugh and cry. If we've done our job correctly, all of our stories will challenge your perceptions of "traditional" relationships.
We want to thank the artists and beta readers who helped us with this project. For the artists, your talent brings our words to life and for that we thank you. And we are most certainly grateful to our readers for the encourgement [sic] you've given us.
Many thanks. Creed Cascade and TJ
"We don't suffer from mental insanity, we enjoy every minute of it!"
If you enjoyed what you read, we encourage you to send us feedback: [address redacted]
Or send it to us on the Internet at: [redacted]
- Letter from the Editors (3)
- Imperative Clark/Lex. NC-17. ("Another take on Clark going into "heat". Teaser: Clark froze and sniffed the air. Lex smelled differently all of sudden. It wasn’t fear. He knew that smell and he hated it from his friend. This one was different. New. He liked it. He cocked his head to the side and inhaled deeply again".") (4)
- When I Dream, art by MadByrd (8)
- Seduction Clark/Lex. NC-17. ("Lex has plans that involve seducing Clark, but fate doesn't always give Lex exactly what he wants, the way he wants it. Teaser: The only problem was, he wanted Clark there willingly. Just the thought of all that power under his control was enough to make him shiver with delight".") (17)
- There for Me, art by MadByrd (48)
- Peeping Tom Clark/Lex. NC-17. ("Clark's voyeuristic tendencies go beyond his telescope and he gets a window into Lex troubled world. Teaser: "You've watched me through the windows?" Lex really wished he could stop parroting everything Clark said, but the boy was constantly surprising him. "What, um, what was I doing? When you watched".") (49)
- Infected, art by TJ (64)
- Madness Clark/Lex. NC-17. ("A plot driven tale, with a side of CLex, that involves yet another case of insects and brainwashing in Smallville. Teaser: "Clark froze, half in and half out of the doorway when he saw his father sitting at the kitchen table. He felt a small flicker of hope that maybe his dad had stayed up to apologize to him. It was quickly snuffed out when he saw the cold look in his father's eyes".") (64)
- Clark Nude, art by MadByrd (104)
- Lex Nude, art by MadByrd (104)
- Plain Brown Wrapper Clark/Lex. NC-17. ("Clark and Lex have issues that all come to a head when Clark gets a package in the mail. Teaser: "He pressed play on the remote and watched as the static on the screen suddenly cut to the inside of a club".") (105)
- Crimson Clark/Lex. NC-17. ("What should of happened in the episode "Red". Teaser: "I changed my mind," Clark smirked. "I was on my way to pick Lana up when I realized that she wasn't the one I really wanted. I figured it was time I stopped avoiding the truth".") (137)
- Leather, art by MadByrd (104)
- Leather Lex, art by Yarou-Noona (142)
- Daddy, art by C. Roxanne (143)
- Daddy Know Best Clark/Lex. Lex/Lionel implied. NC-17. ("Lionel is Lex's worst nightmare and the Kents have to intercede. Teaser: "He turned pleading eyes to Clark, begging him to let it go, at least for now".") (143)
- Hurt Lex, art by MadByrd (180)