Hunger Games RP

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Name: Hunger Games RP & Hunger Games RP- World 2
Date(s): May 2012- Present
Moderated: Yes
Type: Role playing
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Scope: Alternate Universe of the Hunger Games Series
URL: (original forum) and (new forum)
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The Hunger Games RP is a long-running Hunger Games roleplay community hosted on It was founded in 2012 and remains active as of July 2024.

The original form experienced enough activity to become the second-highest on the Hunger Games-forum lists on The roleplay diverges from canon after the first book, with the third Quarter Quell and following rebellion not happening. The first forum roleplayed the 76th-92nd Annual Hunger Games.

In 2018, it was decided to create a new forum to continue the story after a time jump and to welcome new members (as many of the original members had long since become inactive). In 2023-2024, the community became active again and is preparing to rp the 121st Hunger Games as of July 2024.