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How I Spent My Summer Vacation (Newsies fanfic)

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Title: How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Author(s): queenitsy (studentnumber24601)
Date(s): 2003 - 2007
Length: 237,546
Genre(s): humor, slash
Fandom(s): Newsies
External Links: Underage Smokers, FFN, AO3, Refuge (via Wayback), Ficwad

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation is a Newsies summer camp AU fanfic by queenitsy, posted on Fanfiction.Net, Archive Of Our Own, the author's personal site, and The Refuge, and featuring the popular ship of David Jacobs/Jack Kelly. It is the most reviewed Newsies fic on Fanfiction.Net, with nearly 900 reviews in 2023. It won many Newsies Mailing List Awards, including Best David Story, Best Jack Story, and Best Modern Fic, and was nominated for many more.[1][2]


this ones a tad but long (40 chapters!!) but its finished and in character and scandalous and amazing and i would read it again but sadly i do not have the time. 9/10 for the time it takes to read 40 chapters


So having just reread again, I'm just thinking about how I have such a... complex emotional relationship with the end of this story. Because there's totally a shallow "I don't want it to end!" reaction, because the story is awesome, and also a huge part of me that's all, "Yay, they're together and Dave's parents know and everything is good!" But then, I think you've also managed to capture what it's really like to leave a camp like this at the end of the summer -- there's definitely a sadness inherent in it, because you are leaving behind so many of your friends, many of whom -- at least for the seniors -- you may never see again. There's only so many junior counsellor positions, after all.


Even after 10 years of drifting in and out of this fandom this fic is still without a doubt one of my favorites. It's fun rereading stuff that I first discovered when I was in middle school and being able to appreciate all the planning that must've gone into it and understanding some things that flew over my head the first time. I feel like I can take a different perspective on everything now than I could when I was a kid and that just made me enjoy it even more. Thank you for writing it forever ago and leaving it up for fans to continue to read. You really are one of the most talented writers I've ever had the pleasure of reading and it seems only right to make sure I finally tell you after roughly a decade of reading and rereading your stories.


Okay, so I binge-read this the last couple of days and absolutely loved it! It's definitely one of my favourite Newsies stories! And the ending totally had me tearing up. Let me explain: the summer camp that launched my love of horses when I was little and I now work at (which I'll actually be heading off to this weekend) sings the song "Linger" at our closing campfire at the end of the week (which always makes me cry). The moment I read the title of the last chapter, I just knew you were going to end with "Mm-mm this is goodnight and not goodbye". Despite my best efforts and trying to be prepared, though, I still got teary-eyed. (Which is good. Your writing made me emotional which means "ya done good".) Overall, this story has just been amazing and still holds up despite being over a decade old. Great work!


I feel as though I should start off with how much I enjoyed reading this story every step of the way. There was no spot where I found myself thinking "really?" or "moving on, moving on." Every chapter was engaging and you seem to have an uncanny skill for keeping a plot at the perfect pace. It never lags, it never goes too quickly. Secondly, each character is so fantastic, the newsies and your OCs. I found myself LOVING Smurf, really loving her. Maybe it's because I've had so many relationships with the boys I grew up with that mirror the one she has with Blink. My feuds never ended up in make outs, but most of these feuds were in third grade, so it's probably for the best XD Aside from that, however, I think this is the most accurate portrayal of Jack and David's characters. They interacted in this exactly as I see them interacting in the movie and it was just too precious for words. I think it would have been nice to see a little bit more of the cocky front that jack puts up for other people, so we could see the contrast between that and how he talks with David, but that is such a minor (and personal) wish that it doesn't even register.

Falco Conlon[7]
