Hotel Mario

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Video game fandom
NameHotel Mario
Developer(s)Fantasy Factory
Publisher(s)Philips Interactive Media
Release dateApril 5, 1994
Platform(s)Philips CD-i
See alsoSuper Mario
Related articles on Fanlore.

Hotel Mario is a Super Mario puzzle/platformer spinoff video game developed for the Philips CD-i by Fantasy Factory and published by Philips Interactive Media. In the game, players control Mario and navigate through stages located within various hotels, with the primary objective of closing all the doors in a stage. While Hotel Mario initially received mixed reviews on launch, over time it been reassessed as one of the worst Mario games due to its gameplay, controls, plot, and full motion video cutscenes.

Starting in 2008, Hotel Mario became the subject of memes, Youtube Poop videos, and other types of fanworks due to the bizarre and humorous nature of the game's voice acting and cutscenes. In 2017, a resurgence of Hotel Mario memes occurred on Youtube, Twitter and Tumblr.



2017 resurgence

Response from Marc Graue

In a July 2008 Mark Graue, the voice actor for Mario and Luigi in Hotel Mario, responded to fanworks for the games in an interview for Interactive Dreams (a Philips CD-i fanblog), expressing surprise and flattery at the then-recent trend.

I think it’s very cool ( and flattering ) that something that was recorded in 1993 has found new life on [YouTube videos that are using Mario & Luigi’s voice for their comedic video collages]. During a recording session you almost always have alot of fun but you’re not usually aware of how big, successful or how much impact a project will have.

Marc Graue[1]

Considering Hotel mario was released in 1994 I’m thrilled to see it take on a new life as a parody of itself on Youtube…or anything else you can think of! I don’t think the Academy will be calling me anytime soon and I really dont feel it was “My Finest Moment As A Thespian”….but hey’ we had alot of fun…. AND someone is still listening!!!"

Marc Graue[2]

Example Fanworks




Youtube Poops

External links
