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Title: Honour
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 24 December 2011
Length: 1451
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/yuletide2011

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Honour[1] was written as a treat for Oshun (known as heartofoshun on livejournal) during Yuletide 2011. The request which led to this story was: “I would love to read more about Phaedo. I read between the lines how attractive both Alexias and Lysis found him. How about using that as the basis of a story? One or the other of them with Phaedo or both could make a lovely story.... I would still want to see some emotion, desire and passion. Phaedo is the deal-breaker in this request: he has to be in the story as one of the major protagonists.

In the story Phaedo attends a party given by Lysis. His observations of Lysis and Alexias together, plus the party, evoke memories of his relationship with his own erastes in Melos (before its fall), and readers also learn how his understanding about the nature of honour has changed over the years.

Comments by readers include:

  • This beautiful. Thank you so much for writing it. It is yet more thoughtful and poignant than I deserved given my request. heartofoshun
  • Oh, Phaedo. Poor boy. I loved him so, and this is beautifully written. Just lovely, and a little wrenching, like everything of his life. MmeBahorel
