Hollyberry Cookie

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Name: Hollyberry Cookie
Occupation: Heroine
Relationships: White Lily Cookie (Friend), Dark Cacao Cookie (Friend), Pure Vanilla Cookie (Friend), Golden Cheese Cookie (Friend), Pitaya Dragon Cookie (Frenemy and sparring buddy), Royalberry Cookie (Son), Jungleberry Cookie (Daughter-in-law), Princess Cookie (Granddaughter), Tiger Lily Cookie (Granddaughter)
Fandom: Cookie Run
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Hollyberry Cookie is one of the five ancient heroes, and she wields a shield that holds her Soul Jam (which contains the Light of Passion) on the front of it. She is the founder of the Hollyberry Kingdom, although it is currently ruled by Jungleberry Cookie and Royal Berry Cookie as of her defeat in the Dark Flour War, and therefore the failure to protect both her kingdom and subjects. Because of this, she felt far too guilty to continue ruling, she even abandoned her shield, feeling as if she didn’t deserve the love and trust of her subjects.

She is Royal Berry Cookie’s mother, Jungleberry Cookie’s mother-in-law, and Princess Cookie and Tiger Lily Cookie’s grandmother. Her current position/rank in the Hollyberry Kingdom is that of Queen Mother.

She also appears prominently in Episodes 11 & 12 of World Exploration.



What else could result in such an overwhelming passion if not the reddest hollyberries, ripened under the hottest summer sunlight? Hollyberry Cookie believes that every friendship, like every victory, should be triumphant. After all, there is nothing in the world as hard as trust! Not even the all-enduring Hollyberry Shield with which she swore to protect her beloved ones. It is said that Hollyberry Cookie leading a charge onto the battlefield is the most inspiring view. A view that inspires to repay with trust to those who put trust in you.


Hollyberry’s soulstone.png

This stone holds a piece of Hollyberry Cookie's soul. Holding this stone, you can almost hear the horns of victory.



Oath on the Shield

Let out a war cry of fury! Hollyberry Cookie charges forward and becomes a shield to her Cookie allies, absorbing a portion of the damage they take, excluding periodic and indirect damage. While her DMG Focus is active, she will reduce CRIT received by her allies and herself, and gain a stack of Seed of Life for every CRIT hit she receives. Once she gains enough Seed of Life stacks, the Seed of Life will bloom into Berry of Life, enhancing the succeeding skill. The cooldown for Hollyberry Cookie's first skill is reduced, allowing her to use it faster. While Hollyberry Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects

Base Level

  • Single Hit DMG: 185.5%
  • Additional DMG to targets immune to Stun: 405.0% of ATK
  • DMG ignoring DMG Resist to targets immune to Stun: 50.0%
  • DMG Focus: absorbs 35.0% of DMG allies take for 9.0 sec
  • CRIT Resist: +35.0% for 9 sec
  • Seed of Life: Max HP +5.0%, blooms into Berry of Life upon x15 stacks
  • Berry of Life: adds 2 sec of  Stun to the next skill's charge DMG
  • Passive: Debuff Resist +30.0%

Max Level

  • Single Hit DMG: 358.0%
  • Additional DMG to targets immune to Stun: 405.0% of ATK
  • DMG ignoring DMG Resist to targets immune to Stun: 50.0%
  • DMG Focus: absorbs 35.0% of DMG allies take for 9.0 sec
  • CRIT Resist: +35.0% for 9 sec
  • Seed of Life: Max HP +5.0%, blooms into Berry of Life upon x15 stacks
  • Berry of Life: adds 2 sec of  Stun to the next skill's charge DMG
  • Passive: Debuff Resist +30.0%


Much like her granddaughter, Hollyberry Cookie has a love for adventure and excitement, often venturing into the wilds on her own. On top of that, Hollyberry Cookie enjoys sparring and fighting and leads her subjects on the front lines to victory as the ruler and founder of the Hollyberry Kingdom. Being a fierce and fiery fighter, Hollyberry Cookie excels in the battlefield, and even emerges victorious in her spars with the Red Dragon, who acknowledges her as the only worthy opponent for them. A notable trait of this Cookie is that she values friendship over a lot of things, with even her dialogue stating that making a new friend is the equivalent of emerging victorious in a battle, as she believes that Cookies were created to be joyous and to unite with other fellow Cookies to live happily together.

Similarly to her close friend Pure Vanilla Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie deeply cares for her kingdom and the citizens within in, vowing to protect them. Her defeat in the Dark Flour War and her failure to protect her kingdom and subjects caused Hollyberry Cookie to withdraw from her kingdom and abdicate her position as ruler out of guilt, even abandoning her mighty shield, feeling that she no longer deserved the love and trust of her subjects.

Aside from being a resourceful and charismatic leader, Hollyberry Cookie has proven herself to be a loving mother and grandmother. She raised her son, Royal Berry Cookie, to be a humble and resourceful leader as the next heir to the Hollyberry Kingdom. But while she loved her son dearly, she also worried about his future, and how he'd accomplish his duties as ruler of the Hollyberry Kingdom. When Royal Berry Cookie married Jungleberry Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie expressed relief, as she knew that Jungleberry Cookie was just as righteous and humble as her son, sharing a bond of mutual trust with her. Hollyberry also loves her granddaughters dearly, being the Cookie to bless them both as soon as they were born. When Hollyberry Cookie and Princess Cookie were finally reunited, they grew to share a mutual respect for one another.


Credits to this wiki for most of the information

Hollyberry Cookie on Archive of Our Own

Dak cacao.png


White Lily Cookie

Dark Cacao Cookie

Pure Vanilla Cookie

Golden Cheese Cookie

Pitaya Dragon Cookie
