High Time Someone Did

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Title: High Time Someone Did
Author(s): queen_ypolita
Date(s): 23 December 2009
Length: 1241 words
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: Archived on AO3

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High Time Someone Did[1] is a short story written by queen_ypolita as a treat for fawatson for Yuletide 2009. It features Mic Freeborn of Purposes of Love, which is one of Mary Renault's early contemporary novels. The story is set pre-book, and provides four scenes in Mic’s child and young adulthood which help to explain his hesitance over relationships and shows his emerging talents at science: one as a little boy learning he is a bastard, one explaining how he came to go to a good school, one at school where he makes a friend, and one when he starts at Cambridge.

Comments on the story include:

  • His failure to realise his own talents, and awe of Sidebottom's confidence echoes the relationship he has with Jan in Renault's novel.[2]fawatson
  • Oh, lovely! The idea of him finding his name and his space is just perfect.[3]Adrian
