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Title: Hetalia:50☆Stars
Author(s): LunarJade
Length: 3 stories: 80,907 words (50 chapters), 148,322 words (50 chapters), and 139,720 (50 chapters)
Genre(s): Humor, Historical Fanworks
Fandom(s): Hetalia: Axis Powers
External Links: Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3

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Hetalia:50☆Stars is a fanfiction series by LunarJade consisting of three volumes focusing on OCs personifying the 50 States of America and Washington, D.C. Each volume contains episodes based on U.S. history, popular culture, current events, or random antics. Jade was inspired to write the series after growing tired of the repetitive formula used by Hetalia fanfiction featuring the 50 states, most of which involve them interrupting a world meeting.

Other works by Jade include Hetalia: The Fifty Stars, a stand-alone predecessor to the series, and The 50th Hunger Games - Starring the 50 States, a Hunger Games AU featuring the OCs personifying the American states.

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