Heroes and Other Endangered Species

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Title: Heroes and Other Endangered Species
Author(s): MacGeorge
Date(s): 1999 in zine, 2000 online
Fandom(s): Highlander
External Links: online here
on AO3

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Heroes and Other Endangered Species is a Duncan/Methos Highlander story by MacGeorge.

It was published in the zine Wounded Heroes and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

Post-series, MacLeod and Methos have a particularly nasty fight and Mac decides to head to his cabin to lick his wounds. Joe and, eventually, Methos follow and promptly get into trouble, so Mac has to come and save the day. Again. Only this time he has to do it after being half-eaten by wolves (no, I'm not kidding). This might be my favorite of all MacGeorge's fics, because it has everything I love most about fanfic: Misunderstandings! Trust issues! Needless miscommunication between thick-headed men who obviously want each other and yet are completely incapable of talking about their feelings like rational human beings! Okay, so it's just this side of a guilty pleasure. Still, it's fun, and that's why we read fanfic, right? [1]

Why this must be read: I know that if you read Highlander fanfic, you're probably already aware of MacGeorge's fiction. However, my favorite story has not been recommended and if you haven't read (or recently reread) her stories, Heros and Other Endangered Species is a great place to start. MacGeorge's stories cover an extremely wide range from very light such at Social Graces to very dark, Brothers Under the Skin. I would put this story somewhere in the middle. In it, Duncan, Methos and Joe all reflect heroic qualities while still demonstrating their very human abilities to screw up and hurt each other.[2]


  1. ^ 2007 rec at Epic Recs
  2. ^ rec at Crack Van, December 22, 2005