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Title: Hearts'-ease ~ a mediaeval romance ~
Author(s): Fiona Pickles
Date(s): 2009
Length: 41,000 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Henry V
External Links: Link to story at "In Dear Alliance" (central resource for all things Henry/Montjoy)
Hearts'-ease (direct link), and "sort of sequel" Sons (direct link)

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Inspired by the 1989 film version of Henry V, this 41,000 word slash novel imagines a romantic and ultimately sexual relationship involving the English king, Henry, and the herald of the French, Montjoy, and examines the many barriers of nationality, class and age which lie between them.

Author's summary: "Montjoy the herald didn't quite reach out to touch King Henry after the Battle of Azincourt, but he wanted to. Suppose he had? What might have happened to them then?"